Feeling trapped can take the form of sticking with an unhappy relationship, being unable to travel due to lack of funds, or staying in a certain city because that’s where your job is. Many aspects of life can make us feel trapped, but there are always ways to improve our situation and regain a sense of control or freedom. Check out 9 ways you can take your life back and find happiness here.

1. Live a Lifestyle You Can Afford

One of the most stressful ways to live your life is to live above your means. Many people spend more than they earn and get stressed on a daily basis about their financial situation. It is important to treat yourself, but the treat shouldn’t be a big expense. Ask yourself these questions:

What do I truly need to survive? Do I need this, or do I want it? Will it bring happiness into my life?

As you’re trying to budget each month, try to focus on spending more money on experiences and less on objects. The experiences (a short trip, a surprise date night, etc.) will help you make memories, while the objects will only bring you a fleeting sense of contentment.

2. Be Aware of Your Power and Take Responsibility

Many people blame others and the world around them for the bad things in their life, but the truth is you have full control of many aspects of your life. Only you can change the things in your life that you are unhappy about. For example, if you have a desire to exercise more but don’t have money to go to the gym, take control of that situation by finding a YouTube channel with some exercise videos you enjoy. This may not be a perfect solution, but it’s a great temporary fix while you get to a point where you can afford a gym membership.

3. Find a New Job

Your job doesn’t have to be the best part of your life, but if you dislike going into work, you should look for a new job[1]. This is how you spend 40 hours of your week, and your job should be more than just a way to pay the bills if you want to stop feeling trapped. Ask yourself these questions:

What could improve my job? What am I looking for in a job? Do I need to improve my skills to find my perfect job?

If your job isn’t bringing you joy but you’re unable to leave it at this moment, look into volunteering in an area that you’re passionate about. You can also take some free online courses in the meantime to brush up on some skills that may help you land your dream job when it appears.

4. Realize That Life Responds to You

Your outlook determines the way you see the world, so make sure you’re looking at a positive view of the world. Your mind has the power to make you see life negatively, or it has the power to inject positivity into each day. As Rumi once stated: “What you seek is seeking you.” Seek what you hope to achieve in life while trusting that your dream life is also out there looking for you. This will help maintain a sense of calm and positivity, which will make your journey all the easier.

5. Start to Live a Healthy Life

Many people start feeling trapped when their body is no longer working in the way they hoped. Perhaps they don’t have the energy they once did or can’t seem to sleep through the night anymore. In order to open up your body to more experiences, respect it by drinking lots of water, eating fruits and vegetables, exercising, and getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night. All of these things will help you to feel happier and more proactive.

6. Follow Your Passion

You know yourself better than anyone else, so you know what direction your life should be following. Even if your job does not encompass what you’re passionate about, you can still incorporate these things into your life. Perhaps you have a passion for art but chose to study accounting instead. You can work your day job at the bank, but when you get home, sit down in front of a canvas for an hour and let your passion for art flow. You may even find that you create enough pieces to start a small side business.

7. Be Honest and Learn to Say No

A big part of having self-respect is being able to say no to others. While it is a great feeling to help others out, it is important you are not being a push over if you are feeling trapped. Say yes to others when you genuinely want to help, but don’t put your own life on hold. If you fill your life with others’ responsibilities, you will always feel stuck and unable to move forward with your own goals. Pause before saying yes to each request and analyze if it will really bring you closer to your life’s purpose.

8. Throw Away Social Norms

Many people live their life following social standards or expectations of family members because they believe it is the safest choice, but they are unhappy because they end up feeling trapped inside of these expectations. Take command of your life by doing whatever makes you happy, rather than doing what you feel like you should be doing based on what you see on social media[2]. You may find that some people who are close to you don’t understand the direction of your life, and that’s ok. You will inevitably find others who do understand, which will help you make even more positive connections and expand your relationships.

9. Overcome the Fear of Failure

If you want to do something that you think will make you happy, do it—don’t let fear of failure put you off. Fear can be a prison that stops you finding happiness and keeps you feeling trapped, so take a chance and see what happens without worrying too much about the outcome. You can read this article for more tips on how to overcome the fear of failure.

The Bottom Line

If you’re feeling trapped, it may feel like you’ll be stuck in the same place forever. Fortunately, there are actionable steps you can take to regain a sense of control and freedom in your life and improve your mental health. Identify which area of your life is holding you back the most, and use an applicable step above to tackle it head on. If that doesn’t work, it may be time to seek professional advice in order to help you overcome the challenges you’re facing. If that’s the case, do it with an open mind and accept the opportunity as one that can turn your life around.

More on How to Take Control of Your Life

How to Take Control of Your Life with Better Boundaries How to Live a Meaningful Life: 10 Inspiring Ideas to Find Meaning How To Connect Passion and Purpose For Fulfillment In Life

Featured photo credit: Randy Jacob via unsplash.com