As we peer into his life, coming from the struggles of despair and into the stardom of television – through which we all know him – let’s pick up on multiple distinct lessons that can be applied to our lives as we move forward in any industry.

A Challenging Childhood Can Inspire Greatness:

It doesn’t take a great launch pad to craft the right ingredients of an exceptional business person. Gordon Ramsay – much like a culinary delight – is the right combination of everything it takes to make it in business. This was partially due to his rather hard upbringing. When we look at similarly successful people like Aretha Franklin, we can easily draw a solid conclusion that the raging fire of passion and ambition that is ever enduring in entrepreneurs is often sparked and kindled by past grievances. Mr. Ramsay moved out from his family home at the young age of 16 which is earlier than most. Still we see how he endured and overcame. In our own lives we can get a real connection of inspiration that it’s not where you come from, but where you want to go, that truly counts.

You Are The Product People Are Buying Into:

Often times in business we pay more attention to the product than we do the branding of the true product which is ourselves. While Gordon Ramsay’s dishes are delicious, his ways of gaining attention through his out of the box personality gained him stardom. There’re tons of Chefs who could whip up some delicacies that could make our mouths water, but few of them have branded themselves as the product rather than the food itself. Society places more value on a house rather than the person who builds it, but that’s the opposite of Gordon Ramsay. He managed to make himself the true value and whether people loved his spirited attitude or hated it – they all wanted to see what he did next. We should also brand ourselves and be a commodity that our clients and all of society alike feel necessary to take part in.

Our Mistakes Can Lead Us In The Right Direction:

With life comes decisions and sometimes knowing if you made the right choice can bring about a lot of stress – this is particularly true for entrepreneurs. Gordon Ramsay’s first job was working as a commis chef for a decent sized hotel called the Wroxton House Hotel. Due to the fact he slept with the owner’s wife he had to leave at which time he moved to London. Now would he have moved and truly kick-started what would became a path to culinary greatness if he had not made the daring mistake of sleeping with the boss’s wife? One could assume not. While it’s best to not try and deliberately harm anyone – as business people choices will be made and sometimes it will be wrong. You should always learn from the past, but never dwell in it. We should be flexible in nature. You can’t control all outcomes, but you can look towards the advantages.

Failure Is A Part Of The Success Package We All Can Face:

You can have the perfect product, a receptive audience, and a great name in your industry – still facing unexpected failure happens to even the best. This lesson is reinforced by the fact that Gordon Ramsay has closed a total of 12 restaurants since 2009. Remember, you don’t invest and put your heart into a business location to ever see it closed for good. So understand that when a business closes there’s someone who invested themselves even if they made a profit before closing shop. You should take away from this that no matter how good you are – some of the best intentions will result in failure. It’s only a matter of time before we experience an unintentional hiccup in our business brought on by ourselves or outside circumstances – the important thing is to not question our product when we have clearly attained success and branding in various other ventures.