You need to rest. More specifically, your mind needs to rest from being exposed to digital devices on a daily basis. It’s only recently that the use of emails and smartphones have caused work to enter our lives 24/7. Therefore, no one really addressed the concern until people started feeling burned out and stressed. Now new studies show that one should step away from using digital devices in order to regain composure, energy, and motivation. The interesting aspect of this new trend is the establishments that quickly adopted the practice. Instead of making WiFi and access to computers easier, some hotels have decided to take the other route. They force visitors to leave their laptops and smartphones behind. Furthermore, some resorts removed Internet access from their rooms and facilities. The results speak for themselves, as guests are able to successfully break free from their devices and enjoy their vacation. The Pros of a Tech-free Vacation |

Going On Vacation  Here s Why You Shouldn t Bring Your Smartphone With You - 27