December means many things to each of us. For me, it means time spent with family, gift exchanging, a never ending supply of food, and any and all of the above. As you sit in the company of those that you love, have you ever wondered if there was more that you could do? Is there a way to have an impact on those around you that you not only know but those that you don’t know too? The answer is yes and here are a few ways that to do it that will allow you to complete 2016 well.

Participate in food drives

There is no shortage of food drives around. In fact, I’m certain that it would take you about 10 minutes to look one up, get on your phone, call them, and be on your way to help. Do your part. Don’t leave someone without a wonderful meal.

Volunteer at a local school

Your future will be directly affected by the generation that is in school right now. Why not make sure that they get the guidance they deserve? Spend a little bit of time rounding out 2016 and starting 2017 by helping our youth. Not only will you feel better about yourself, you will also get a glimpse into the lives of the next great generation.

Visit a senior center

Speaking of future, why not talk to those who helped shape the future that you live in right now? Having done this, I can personally guarantee the lessons you will learn from the stories you will hear, cannot be learned anywhere else. There are centuries of information within the halls of a senior center, so why not tap into it?

Become an organ donor

I don’t think I need to explain the merits of organ donation but just in case you don’t know them, I will. Organ donations save a lot of lives. Imagine yourself in need of a transplant any the only organ available is there because someone at some point made a pledge to donate. Is there a better way to “pay it forward”?

Spend time at a Children’s Hospital

If you want to know what real bravery looks like, spend some time at a Children’s Hospital. These kids are remarkable and through their stories, you will walk away with a new outlook on life. Being around the youth of a Children’s Hospital will give you a perspective that you didn’t know you needed.

Give away excess ornaments

How many ornaments do you have that you don’t use? Better yet, how many did you forget you had until you blew the dust off of them this year? If you’re done with them, instead of shoving them back in a box, why don’t you give them away to someone that could use them?

Make holiday treats and deliver them throughout your neighborhood

Want to get to know your neighbors but haven’t found the “perfect” way how to? Nothing says, “Hi, I’m your neighbor” quite like fresh baking. Take some time out of your busy schedule to sit down and bake something for them. Then, before it cools, take it over to a neighbor you haven’t met before. Who knows, they might even reciprocate the baking one day down the road. There are a myriad of ways that you can give back to complete 2016 and these are just 7 simple ideas. If you get through this list, I encourage you to either do the list again or seek out other ways. Featured photo credit: via