A Note to Ourselves

So, you too have lived with no regrets. Eventually, you grew tired and decided to stay home. Tuesdays are gloomy now, the edgy bands you once rocked out to are mellow, and you can’t help but feeling disillusioned and nostalgic. There are some pages to be red, duties to be met and hard, hard choices to be made. Your friends have all set off, but that’s okay anyway, for the days of unending, flickering conversations are long gone. You now seek peace of art and self-reflection. “In order to write about life first you must live it.” Now that you’ve experienced it all, the time is right to make a new diary entry.

Virtual Thoughts

You can’t stain it with coffee circles and damp it with tears, but a blog is still much more than a diary – you can share it. There’s comfort in connecting with others that share your newfound interests and struggles, and relief in touching their equally wearisome minds. Besides, you certainly have a lot to express, and you feel you’re not gifted enough. Well, there’s the beauty of writing for you! For writing, you don’t need any particular talents, only thoughts (and you already have legions of those) and a cup of black tea or coffee. Through written words, those thoughts get crystallized and the soul gets lighter. As a form of virtual self-expression, blogging offers an opportunity of voicing your opinions, reaching out to like-minded people and getting their feedback. The process of exchanging ideas is enlightening – it makes you dive deep into your soul and discover what makes you truly fascinated, inspired and happy. Here’s how.

Creative Juices

Besides being a blank piece of paper for you to fill with your words of Weltschmerz, a blog offers plenty of barren space for all of your other unrivaled talents. Just think about how much time has passed since you’ve last had crayons in your hands! Well, building a personal blog is just like tinting a coloring book – revisit your inner child while creating a logo, designing a background and finding the perfect photo to symbolize your personality and mood. And that’s only the beginning! Whatever you choose to articulate through your blog, there’s someone out there looking to find it. If you’re feeling blue, publish a photography series of the ocean, sky and denim. If you’re feeling ingenious, film a short movie and ask for some creative output. When the day is dull and rainy, write about your love for mottled umbrellas. Consider your blog as your own, personal tabula rasa, and be daring enough to explore anything you currently feel passionate about. Sensing a new, tingling outburst of creativity will heal your messy mind.

Exploring the Depth

We do have a lot on our minds during the bumpy ride through our twenties. Our parents are getting weak and old, the migration crisis is a mess, and David Bowie had just died. Expressing our emotions and opinions is the only way to stay healthy and outgrow the overwhelming fuddle of our thoughts. But being a personal notebook of ideas, a blog is also a public meeting place. Every opinion you do shout will entice a response, and it may happen that some of them will not be well-minded. Nonetheless, it is a splendid opportunity for a discussion with yourself. While self-expressing is always mending, it becomes purposeful (and we all strive toward discovering our purpose) only when carefully thought-through. So, before you share your statements with the world, take a second and really think about them. Explore the real meaning of the problem that’s been rocking your boat, read more about it and brainstorm constructive solutions. That way, writing a blog can help you develop your debate skills and learn more about the world that perplexes us more with each day. It’s a process of spiritual and empiric empowerment and self-improvement.

A World of Possibilities

You may not be tortured by your unyielding mind, but you must be lost in your soul-searching feat. Opening the new chapter in your life means reshaping your old interests and finding a solid ground. Discovering your place under the sun is possibly the hardest adventure you’ll embark on, but luckily, you’ll find that the world of possibilities awaits, and the only thing you’ll have to do is to pick one. Through blogging, you can tip your toes in all of them, and eventually, stick with the one that suites you the most. Now, you can keep pursuing your chosen field of interest and with that improve your knowledge and skills and develop your unique outlook. But, if you still haven’t found any, why not try them all? If your mind is set on heart-shaped purses and lacy bralettes, start a fashion blog; if you can’t keep crying while watching The Perks of Being a Wallflower, explore your dilettante interest in cinematography; if the only place in the world you want to be in is a cafe in Montmartre, start writing about the joy of travelling. Running a blog allows you to be anyone you wish you were, to stumble upon new fascinating notions you haven’t considered before and – why not – recognize your true calling.

Getting To Know the New You

We grow up so suddenly and change so much that sometimes, it’s impossible to recognize the person looking back from the window reflection. There’s a whole new universe to discover, and on our path to personal fulfillment, it’s so easy to get stranded. A walk down the beach might help, but the summer is nowhere in sight and we are left alone with decisions, choices and commitments. With no one but yourself to keep you company, you’ll need to silence the clamor down and listen to your inner voice. There is, of course, a number of things to ease your restlessness, and believe it or not, all of them can be acquired through blogging. For starters, whatever you passionately blog about will reward you with inspiration that will rekindle your spirit and keep you motivated. While writing, you’ll ask important questions and come up with meaningful answers. Among your readers, you’ll find new, fascinating people that share your interests, challenge your thoughts and offer empathy and support. You can nurture your life calling or discover new ideas to feel enthusiastic about. A blog is your personal ocean now, and it’s full of opportunities. Whether you’re feeling blue or excited, avoiding a big decision or simply passing your time, don’t spend a minute more on meaningless online procrastination. Blogging can actually lead you towards your true purpose, and if in the meantime you have some fun and enjoy meeting the person you’ve become, all the better!

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