Cycling Gets Kids Outside

Getting outdoors is wonderful for children. They get natural sunlight, which gives them Vitamin D, and they get a lot of fresh air, which allows them to get good sleep at night. The better sleep they get, the healthier they are and the more their body will be able to grow. Cycling around allows for them to learn the lay of the land, and be comfortable in their surroundings. This is especially good should they find themselves needing you for something, as they should promptly know the quickest route home by memory. Let them spend time outdoors when the weather is nice, and allow them to go off on their own from time to time. Just make sure they know to check in at the right times, and make sure that kids should have protective bike gear to ensure they are safe, no matter the weather.

Wearing Proper Bike Clothing Helps Keep Kids Safe

Cycle clothing is different for children than it is for adults. Children fall down more often, so there are often more safety features put into the clothing they wear when out and about. The knees of the pants are often more reinforced, as are the wrists and elbows of their attire. This allows for the bike protective gear to help keep their skin intact should they happen to fall down or slide on the gravel. The last thing you want is for your child to fall down and not be able to safely get back home for you to check up on. Most cycle clothing for kids also has built-in areas where pads can safely fit on top of the clothing, so it will not slide or inhibit your child in any way while they are cycling.

Cycling Offers Emotional Benefits to Kids

An increase in self-confidence is another way how cycling is beneficial for health. It allows the child to become more aware of his or her body, and feel less intimidated by their surroundings and peers. The more cycling they are able to do, the more comfortable they are in their neighborhood, and the more people they are more apt to interact with. This gives them a boost of confidence should they end up in a situation where they feel unsure about what options to take, as they will know multiple route home to safety.

The Health Benefits of Getting Kids Cycling

Cycling also allows for the child to get, or remain, fit. The body gets a solid workout when cycling, allowing for the child to use up excess calories, and increase his or her muscles. The more active the child is with cycling, the less likely he or she is to eat junk food during boring times at home, because there will be less time of boredom. Cycling is a great cardio workout so it can help keep your child in shape for school or sports, and having a fit body also gives the child an extra boost with self-confidence. Children should be actively playing outdoors on a regular basis, but playing in the yard can get old. Allowing your children to go off cycling and enjoying time away from home allows them to grow on all levels. Mentally, they are focusing on their surroundings, emotionally they are connecting with their body, and physically they are getting leaner and healthier with each trip out. You just need to go through and get them wearing the proper cycling clothing so that should they slip and get hurt, the injuries are minimal. Also, make sure you send your children out with helmets for their rides, as a head injury is often easily avoidable by this simple piece of cycling equipment. Featured photo credit: via