Helps You Handle Stress Better

Anyone who works in the corporate world will tell you that it’s an extremely stressful situation to be in. Those who doesn’t let stress knock them down tend to perform better at the office. It’s not uncommon that people voluntarily leave a perfectly well paid position because they can’t deal with the stress and anxiety that comes with the job. If only they knew exercising will fix this problem… Here is a video by Dnews which will explain how exercising helps you cope better with stress.

Gives You More Brain Cells

According to the process of neurogenesis, the rate of which your brain cells are growing will decrease as you get older. Luckily, this can be prevented. In 2008, a study showed the brain cells of the people who exercise on a regular basis have a higher brain growth rate. Meaning, adults who don’t neglect the gym have more brain power than those who choose to be inactive. This causes them to have an advantage in their workplace in order to advance their careers.

More Energy

I am no scientist but I know a thing or two. So, here is a quick biology lesson: The majority of the cells in your brain contain something called mitochondria. The purpose of this component is to produce the energy that your body needs. Now, when you exercise, it causes your body to develop more mitochondria, which leads to you having more energy (you can read all about it at WebMD). And the more energy your brain has to use, the sharper your decision making skills will be.

Makes You Happier

When you do intense exercises, it releases a huge amount of endorphins and serotonin into your body. Did you know, a study from Duke University showed that depressed adults who started to exercise had the same positive results as those who took antidepressant Zoloft? This is why endorphins and serotonin are known as natural cures for depression. The benefits don’t stop there. Endorphins improve your abilities to prioritize tasks. This helps you stay focus on urgent matters on the workplace rather than procrastinate.

Gives You a Memory Boost

Your memory works better when you are active. The American College of Sports Medicine published a study that proves this. In the experiments, a group of students were given some a list of letters to memorize. Then, one part of the group was asked to go run, and lift weights while the other part of the group was asked to stay put. When the students were tested on their memories, it turned out that the group who went exercising scored much better than the other one. Working out won’t turn you into a genius but it will help you gain more from your life. I don’t know about you, but that’s enough reason for me to dedicate one hour a day to into staying fit.