What is a smart creative? The simplistic name is definition enough to get the point across. A smart creative is someone that combines a technical way of thinking with never-ending ideas and ways to tackle complex issues. These are the people who might not be in the top percentile of their universities or even in positions that allow them to use their interesting perspective or really shine. If you’ve ever felt like you might not be especially appreciated for your ideas, don’t despair. Here are five signs that you are a smart creative that Google would love to hire:

1. You use analytics to your every advantage

Not many people can take numbers and crunch them at the same time as they paint a solution. Innovative companies absolutely look for the type of people who can take hard facts and data and turn it into results. Smart creatives know data can be invaluable in many aspects and can utilize it. However, as in most aspects of being a smart creative type, they also know the limits of what data alone can produce – they don’t let either side of their brain take full control, in essence.  Not only are they comfortable with data in all of its forms, but they know how to use it to the best of their ability to make decisions. A big aspect of smart creatives’ personalities are that they are very results driven, and results tend to come with numerous heavy decisions to make. Decisions, like problems, almost always have more than one way to handle it. Data is a way to decide with logic and creativity is a way to look at something with a new perspective – a smart creative like you wouldn’t settle on just one of those. Instead, folks like you listen to both sides, use that data and come up with solutions and answers others may very well have never thought of.

2. You are hands on

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself – right? Smart creatives feel that way on a multitude of levels. It’s not so much about control for them, either. Instead, people with your mindset enjoy being hands on. Being savvy with technology, tools and your imagination is second nature, so it is only natural that a project you are involved with becomes your baby, in a way. You are also not the sort who would likely prefer to wait for someone else to fix things or move them along so you can get things nice and done. It’s not enough to imagine, dream and design the project or concept – smart creatives don’t stop there and leave the grunt work to others. They are the ones who dream the dream and then build it on the merit of their own intelligence, perseverance and hard work. Waiting around just isn’t your style and neither is letting someone else create the concept that your imagination painted.

3. Collaboration is no problem

A lot of people, when they get a good idea or are working on a project, don’t always play as nicely as they could. Ask anyone in college and you’ll hear horror stories involving group projects in which members never did their fair share, pitched in anything, or lifted a finger. While the working world might not see the same level of nonparticipation, there are just as many coworkers out there who will make any group efforts or collaborations either a nightmare or, worse, all about them. Smart creatives like you don’t pay any mind to those roadblocks, however. You are an open book, ready and willing to share your ideas with everyone, share solutions with your company and share ideas anywhere you think they could be of use – and sometimes even when no one wants to hear them. The point is: for a smart creative like you, the thrill is in the work, in the process of turning an idea into a reality, not in kissing up to the higher-ups or making a good impression. That’s not for you.

4. Your perspective is a new one

The ideas coming out of your mouth and out of your mind might get some strange looks, but that typically is only because they are ones that are genuinely fresh. People who have eaten stale ideas for long enough will always be surprised with any actual freshness. Smart creatives deliver a dual deal with their ability to look at something creatively and intellectually. The simultaneous perspective is something that lets you look at old situations, old problems and consider them in a whole new light. Given enough time, you could find a clever solution and innovative companies are absolutely aching for that kind of talent.

5. You’re all about results

It’s not about the recognition, the process or the accolades – it is about results for smart creatives. Those wonderful ideas that pop into your head are not content to be idle fantasies. Instead, they and you want them to come to fruition and, chances are, you are going to make it so. Looking at a problem is a challenge and a smart creative like yourself is looking at that finish line from the get-go; nothing else. No lazy thoughts, no waiting on others, it is all you and that is how you like it. At the end of the day, the results are the trophies that you want to put up on the proverbial wall and, knowing your mindset, there will be plenty. If you’ve been feeling like you don’t quite fit in in the workplace or your perspective isn’t one that is very well appreciated, don’t worry, Google is always looking for more people just like you. Featured photo credit: mwichary via flickr.com