Here are some of the thoughts and actions that the highly successful think and do to motivate themselves, even when their environment is challenging, so that they can achieve their goals.

1. They remind themselves that they’ve had successful days.

They know they’ve had accomplishments before, so they can get through a challenge again.

2. They are not waiting for some flash-of-lightning moment.

They are not waiting for big leaps of effort either. It’s the daily plodding ahead with determination and grit that makes the difference.

3. They actually come to love practicing

They keep on keeping on, over and over.

4. They know that the pain of discipline is greater than the pain of failure.

And they keep this in the forefront of their mind when the going gets tough.

5. They are not afraid to ask for help.

They have a mentor or coach to motivate them when challenged and keep them accountable, reminding them why they’re doing it.

6. They reward themselves.

And they celebrate their successes, both large and small.

7. They are not afraid to change course.

If the challenge they are facing feels like the wrong path for them at the time, they redirect.

8. They move.

If they feel stuck and challenged, they don’t freeze up. They do SOMETHING, anything.

9. They make it fun.

They enjoy what they do, so when the going gets rough, they take a break and do something fun. This reconnects them to their power and they can then refocus and get through whatever they are facing.

10. They connect.

When things get tough, they may crawl into a hole, but they don’t stay there. They have a list of people they can connect to and run things by for some new perspective and just to stay connected to others.

11. They have an identity tied to their goal.

When it comes to their goal setting, they see themselves as, “I am an entrepreneur” or “I am a person who goes to the gym 5 days a week”.

12. They are consistent.

When faced with a problem, they know it’s just another day at work, another day to work towards their goal. They suit up and show up no matter what.

13. They are not surprised by challenging environments.

They know it’s not the destination they are only after; it’s the process too, and challenges are part of the journey.

14. They do whatever it takes, period.

There is absolutely nothing they won’t do to succeed and get through the periodic quicksand.

15. They re-dream the dream.

Before they quit, they remember why they started.

16. They make choices that best suit their goals.

If sleep is what they need so they can focus the next day, they sleep. If they need to push through and pull an all-nighter, they make that choice if it’s for the benefit of their success. It’s the ability to practice night after night while all others are out, to get help from those they would rather not call, to train in the worst weather.

17. They remain well-rounded.

When they have a business or goal setback, they can reach for something else in their lives. Family, relationships, spirituality, exercise, friends, contribution.

18. They remind themselves that there are others struggling.

Others are coping with the same thing, so they know they are not alone. This gives them some encouragement to get through the challenge.

19. They never stop learning.

Getting inspired and taught by other successful people gives them the drive to get back in the game when the going gets tough. And as Julia Cameron says, So go ahead and see which one of these would work for you, maybe something that feels uncomfortable yet you know it would move you out of a challenge you may be currently facing in your quest for success. As Albert Einstein said,  

Featured photo credit: Josh Boak via

How Highly Successful People Find Motivation In Challenging Environments - 23