1. They Complete A Weekly Review

It is easy to be swept away by the stress of daily living. That’s why successful people use the Weekly Review to put their work and life back into perspective. Once you learn how to do a Weekly Review, you can master this success habit in a matter of weeks. At first, use the Weekly Review to review your calendar, email accounts and other information sources. Over time, you may want to add further steps to your Weekly Review. Once you establish the habit, an effective Weekly Review will take about an hour to complete.

2. They Review Big Goals

Successful people are excited by their goals. They not only have a bucket list – they take action to achieve those goals on a weekly basis. In order to keep your motivation at a high level, it is vital to set challenging goals. For example, author Jack Canfield recently published his 101 Lifetime Goals which included go on a safari in Africa, give a university commencement address and sell 1 million books. To make the process easier on yourself, choose 2-4 big goals from the list for the year and work through them. Need Inspiration To Create Your Big Goals? 50 Things You Should Do Before You Die How To Create and Manage Your Bucket List

3. They Plan Your Family Requirements With A Family Meeting

Successful people understand that family life matters. After all, what’s the point of making a fortune if you are alone and miserable? When it comes to running their week, successful people take note of their family responsibilities. That means sorting out school schedules, reviewing upcoming travel and planning dates with their spouse. In fact, you may even want to have a “family meeting” once a week to coordinate plans and make sure nothing important is forgotten.

4. They Put Their Priorities On The Calendar

Successful people live through their calendars. At first glance, a calendar may not appear to be a powerful tool However, successful people realize that a blank calendar represents a major opportunity to make progress. For example, I set aside time on my calendar for reviews, following up on management requests and writing projects. It may feel a little odd to create a “meeting with yourself” at first but it is well worth it, especially when you look back on all that you have achieved.

5. Plan Your Leisure and Relaxation

Successful people are driven to achieve demanding goals and take care of their responsibilities. They also realize that leisure and relaxation matter – without these activities, life will feel like an a never ending to-do list. Many high achieving people have hobbies and sometimes work so much that they forget to pursue them. For example, those who enjoy wine may do a Google search for upcoming wine tastings in their city and register for an event that suits their calendar.

6. They Think Through The Weekend

Weekends are important for successful people looking to refresh and recharge after a difficult week. Author Laura Vanderkam explored this topic at length in her book “What the Most Successful People Do On the Weekend.” It all starts with a proactive attitude – a good and refreshing weekend does not simply happen. Planning one or two “anchor events” (e.g. go to a sports game or visit an interesting restaurant) is a great way to make sure you have a pleasant activity to look forward to.

7. They Plan Fitness

Fitness is a great element to living a successful and full life. In fact, entrepreneur Michael Hyatt recently discussed the mental and physical benefits of strength training. Fitness is an excellent way to reduce stress and maintain high energy levels. Many successful people have an established morning routine where they fit in an exercise session before they start work. Cutting exercise is rarely a wise decision for those who care about their long term success.

8. They Practice Gratitude Each Day

Successful people often reflect on their success and the wonderful aspects of life. Simply acknowledging all the good things in life is a key insight that authors Tony Robbins and James Altucher practice to maintain a clear mind and a happy attitude. One highly effective way to practice gratitude is to use the Five Minute Journal. Writing about what you are grateful for is a great way to end the day.

9. They Schedule Time For Follow Up

Successful people know that reminders and follow up are essential habits to get work done. Like it or not, sending a single email is rarely enough to get a job done in the corporate world. Successful people often schedule 15-30 minutes on their calendar at least once per week to follow up on requests, problems and other important matters. For guidance on following up professionally, use the following resource: 7 Tactics of Following Up Without Being Annoying. The follow up skill also applies outside of the business world – following up on vacation plans, orders and planning important events such as wedding anniversaries.

10. They Know The Limits of Planning

As successful people approach their week, they understand the limits of planning. From time to time, emergencies will happen. You may walk into the office on Monday morning and learn that an important customer is angry about a late delivery. That’s why flexibility remains important. Fortunately, planning and taking a proactive approach to work tends to minimize the number of problems and emergencies you will face in life. Featured photo credit: Large Clock/AndreaTasselli via pixabay.com