There are fewer people who produce things, make things happen, and try to have an impact on this world. People who produce are happier than people who just consume because they have the feeling of achievement, accomplishment by adding value to this world. Have you ever thought about producing and creating? I used to be just a consumer, always reading blogs and watching Youtube videos about things I’m passionate about, like self-improvement, productivity, and marketing. I learned a lot of things that helped me be a better person. I’m always thankful for those people who are always producing and adding value to other peoples’ lives. Then, I decided that I wanted to start producing and adding some value to this world since I’m always learning, implementing, and improving. I wanted to share my experience with the world and hoped it might help someone else. Before I tell you how to become a producer, let me tell you why most people don’t produce in the first place. I think there are two main reasons:

1. They think they are not good enough to produce.

No one is perfect. Everyone in this world started somewhere. The hard truth is maybe your first few attempts will not be as good as you want them to be. You need accept that and try to get better — you will improve by practicing. Here’s what Steve Jobs said about this:

2. They are scared of putting their work out there.

If you want to make an impact in this world, you need to get out of your comfort zone. That’s how we grow.

If you’re not comfortable with putting your work out there, try to find mentors or friends that you trust. Get their feedback and help, then keep producing until you start feeling more comfortable with putting your work out there. Now, let’s talk about how you can become a producer.

1. Choose a Topic

The first step to becoming a producer is to choose a topic. This should be something you want to communicate to the world, something you’re passionate about. This will help you focus on where you want to have the most impact. If you are passionate about fitness, pick fitness as your topic. If you’re passionate about cooking, pick cooking as your topic. If you want to raise awareness about a cause, pick that cause as your topic. Action Item 1: Make a list of things that are important to you and pick one that will make the most impact.

2. Choose Suitable Channels

After you choose a topic, it’s time to choose a suitable channel to reach people. Thanks to the internet, these days you can be your own media company for almost nothing. You don’t have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to reach a lot of people. You can reach millions of people for a few dollars. You can use tools like blogging, Youtube, social media, podcasting, and more to reach people. Using these channels will help you get your work out there and possibly reach thousands of people. If you want to raise awareness about something, you can blog and/or make YouTube videos. If you want to share photographs, maybe Instagram is a good channel for you. Think about what is the most suitable channel to deliver your productions. Action Item 2: Choose a channel (or a few) to start to distribute your work.

3. Start Producing

Decide on a time when you’re going to produce every week and make it part of your routine. A lot of people have goals and want to achieve them, but they never do so because they don’t build a routine and a system to get there. For example, tell yourself “I’ll write a blog post every Monday and Thursday at 4PM.” Then, make sure to block your time to do it. Action Item 3: Decide on exactly when are you going to produce and stick to the schedule. Over time, it’s going to become a habit and you’ll produce higher quality work in less time. We were created with the power of producing, creating, and adding value to this world. This is how we transform the world around us and make it a better place. Start becoming a producer and have a bigger impact on your world. Featured photo credit: via

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