Ask Yourself, “Why?”

The courses you have on your schedule – why did you take them? Have a good, long moment to reflect upon your choices. Everybody has goals and career directions, and yes, that means that the subjects selected should be of meaning or direct use to fulfill that. If not, maybe it stems from pure interest. If you find yourself losing motivation somewhere during the year, refocus on those aims and think long-term. Do they genuinely bring happiness? Are you emotionally satisfied and energized?

Procrastinate Wisely

Easier said than done: to not procrastinate is virtually impossible, as stress gets to the best of us sometimes. However, there are manageable techniques to beat the monkey and control your procrastination than letting it control you. To begin, it is all in the mind. Every burst of procrastination begins with a choice. Social media, prolonged periods of eating, digital games and being stuck in the never-ending realm of YouTube are just a few examples of that. The trick is to limit the time spent on each burst using a timing method. The popular Pomodoro technique is an excellent example to increase productivity, and in the end, your grades!

Ask, Ask, Ask!

Don’t be afraid to approach the teacher or professor when there is a point or two that need to be clarified. They will notice the effort you put in and will keep a mental note in the back of their minds. It does not demonstrate a lack of intelligence or inability to listen attentively in class. In reality, it demonstrates the very opposite – a keen, responsible student.

Set Goals Early

Goals are absolutely crucial in the maintenance of high-soaring grades. They keep us grounded and push us to be hard-working. Although it is not compulsory in school, it does help give meaning to every assignment being completed as opposed to an empty feeling of “Why am I doing this?”. Take out a piece of paper, pen – and get writing. It is never too late to set, modify, or discontinue personal goals.

Be Confident

It is near impossible to find success with your head down. There lies a continuum of hope and ambition, whenever anyone raises their head high. There’s no secret formula or routine to follow to promote confidence is your life – it is learned by repeating positive affirmations throughout the day. There may be times bombarded with countless tasks, making stress levels at and all-time high. Do not panic. It’s alright to cry and let those emotions out once in a while. Stress is what you make of it; nobody has the power to create stress in your life, unless you make the very decision to dwell on it. At the end of the day, grades are just numbers, and always remember that your potential is far greater. The sky’s the limit to growth and development – as Einstein once said, “The man who never made a mistake, never learned anything new.” Head up, chin up! Featured photo credit: via