I’ve recently began to share these incredible insights that few men are privy to with some very nice men who begged me for help and who have become my Love Coaching clients. Upon witnessing their desperation for knowledge, I felt a deep sense of duty to help them out. You see, my whole mission since I began my work as a Love Coach was simply to bridge the gap between women and men that leads them to so misunderstand one another. I began by helping women to understand what men want better. But then, men wanted to understand women better too, so I thought that it was only fair to help them too. My one-to-one coaching work with men then took off as one told another how much he’d learned, and soon I’d decided to run workshops (stay tuned for those coming soon to an area near you). But, as I can’t be everywhere, I started to look for ways to share this knowledge quicker. I wrote and published a book helping women and am now working on a similar book for men. But until that’s done, I’m sharing the knowledge that I have here in this and other similar blogs that men like to read for this kind of information. So, here are some quick tips on how to create a date that she’ll never forget (whether for Valentine’s Day or another special occasion).

1. Surprise her.

There is nothing sexier for a woman than a man who can create a special date entirely without asking her any questions, especially if he makes it a surprise. For practical, calendar-organizing purposes, I suggest booking that time in her calendar in advance (just to make sure she leaves it free for you), whether during the day or in the evening. Then, go about creating your plan, and make it a time when she doesn’t have to be concerned with making any choices other than, possibly, what she should order – if you know your lady very well, you can potentially even surprise her with your choice on that subject too (if she’s the type that would enjoy giving that control to you for this scenario). Make the day a mystery to her. Of course, keep this within the limits of what you presume she’d enjoy. Most women love to be surprised and pampered every once in a while, allowing their man to take control of creating that great atmosphere. Plus, you creating this safe atmosphere for her to relax and enjoy will make you seem more manly and proactive in her eyes, which will then allow her to surrender into her femininity.

2. Create an experience instead of just handing her a gift or flowers.

Don’t get me wrong- gifts and flowers are amazing (and very few women don’t like them), but allow them to be just a part of the experience. If you know something special that would really excite her or that she’d love to receive, by all means give it to her – but include it in the experience. This could mean creating a build-up to the moment when she receives the gift, which means the anticipation will build and make the gift itself into something more interesting than just a present. Or, it could mean taking her out for an experience that you can enjoy together and bond further around, such as seeing a special exhibition together, going dancing, going to a show that touches both of you (or makes you both laugh), or experiencing something else involving both of you together.

3. Give her your full attention.

When you’re with her, really make her feel special by paying attention to her fully. Do not be distracted by other thoughts, other people, or even by your phone. Make her feel that she is the only one who you are thinking of and who you want to be sharing that moment with. Every woman dreams of the man who is so attentive to her that he doesn’t even feel the need to pay attention to the outside world. Imagine how special and memorable you’ll be to her when you become that man; it will right away make you seem that much more attractive in her eyes. So, look into her eyes and make her feel that she’s the only woman you notice in that moment. This means no phones, no work calls, no other occupations, and definitely no checking for sport scores or checking out other women!

4. Be thankful for her presence in your life.

Even though you are the one creating the amazing atmosphere and potentially giving her a gift or flowers, thank her for being the incredible woman that she is. Imagine how good you’ll make her feel when you tell her how much you appreciate having her in your life. You can take that even further by telling her exactly what you most appreciate about her. It is an unfortunate fact of life that we often forget to show true appreciation to our partners and that we often walk around feeling under-appreciated. You telling her how special you feel she is will result in her realizing even more what a wonderful man she has by her side, a man who truly sees her for her best. It will make her even more devoted to being with you and to making you feel pretty wonderful too. Showing genuine appreciation for her will not only create a special atmosphere between the two of you but will also make this into an amazing day that she will remember for years to come (the added bonus being that she will share how great a man you are with her friends, who will then reaffirm how lucky she feels to have you in her life).

5. Do your best to make her feel extra-special.

Whatever your interests are, and whatever you plan for the day or evening, it will always go best if you put thought and intention into making her feel extra-special. Do your best, genuinely, and put yourself into her shoes while considering what she would like and what would make her feel really good. Consider what will give her the greatest pleasure, and fill her day or evening with joy. If this is a special occasion and you are thinking of giving her flowers or a gift, that’s great, but maybe add some special flair into that gift. For example, you can give her a beautiful plant instead of the flowers and send a message that as it blooms and grows, so do your feelings for her. That may sound cheesy, but believe me, she’ll ooo and aahh about it with her friends or family. If she is at work, you can have a bouquet of flowers delivered with a romantic note regarding what’s to come that evening. You can even have a mysterious note delivered to her workplace asking her to come out for a second. Then, hand her a special gift. Or, you can include a promise of the special gift coming later that day. If you want this special day to be memorable, create a gesture that she will never forget. Featured photo credit: Clem Onojeghuo via unsplash.com