1. Green

Green is a very calming color, associated with stability and relaxation. Green bridges the gap between warm and cool colors, teaming together the relaxing tones of blue with more revitalizing yellow tones. For these reasons, green is a great color choice for the bedroom. Plants are a great way to add green to your bedroom. Another way to add green to your bedroom is to buy a green wardrobe, or a green throw for the bed.

2. Blue

Blue is often seen as a very calming color, as many people associate blue with water and peace. The calming effect of blue makes it the perfect colour for a home office, as it is also associated with productivity. Instead of painting the walls dark blue – it can be quite oppressive – go for light blue accents for the room, such as office furniture or a rug.

3. Red

Red is the most stimulating color, and is often linked to power and importance. Surprisingly, the color red encourages your appetite – so it is perfect for use in the dining room. Try red plates, one red wall or a red vase to bring a hint of red to your dining room.

4. Yellow

You probably already know yellow is associated with happiness – it is so cheerful! Yellow can really brighten a room and give it some energy, so it is the perfect color for your kitchen. If you want to paint the whole room yellow, try a pale shade so it isn’t too distracting. You could also try a yellow fridge, table or oven!

5. Orange

Orange is an energizing, warm, friendly color, perfect for many rooms. It is a versatile color, so you can use it in many rooms, but it works really well in the hall, as it isn’t very distracting and doesn’t steal focus. Try out orange posters and pictures, or if you’re feeling more daring, paint the whole hall a light orange!

6. Purple

Purple is typically a very intense shade, associated with luxury and royalty. It can be quite distracting in your home, but there are more relaxed shades that are great for decorating with, such as lavender. Lavender is a relaxing shade of purple, and it isn’t distracting – so you can paint the whole room lavender if you’d like! Lavender is well suited to the lounge, as it will help you to wind down and relax while you’re in the room.

7. Pink

Pink is a calming color associated with love and romance. As it helps to sooth and relax, pink is an ideal color for the bedroom. A rosy shade will work for a child or an adult’s bedroom, but avoid too much pink if you don’t want the room to look overly feminine. Try a pink bed frame to make a unique statement.

8. Black

Black is a very strong color associated with power. In large amounts black can be very intense and overpowering, but small amounts will give your room a sophisticated feel. Try black towels and a black washing up basket in your bathroom to create a stylish and chic vibe.

9. Gray

Gray is a very neutral, formal color, perfect for a home office or a bathroom. Add one gray wall to an office or study room to help create a professional feel.

10. White

White is often associated with virtue, cleanliness and minimalism, but it can also be viewed as quite stark and bleak. Add some white to your bathroom and kitchen to help promote cleanliness, but avoid using too much and taking away the personality of the room. White appliances are a simple way to do this.

11. Ivory

While ivory is similar to white in simplicity, it has much more warmth than white. Ivory is a great color for the walls, as it makes the room look big, bright and fresh. Try to avoid using ivory furniture, though – it doesn’t take long to become visibly dirty.

12. Beige

Beige is a color best used to bring out other, brighter colors. If you would like to use bright, vivid colors in your home, beige is a great compliment. It adds focus to the other colors, without making the room look busy. Featured photo credit: Kaboompics via kaboompics.com