Ultimately, when it comes to choosing what we want to draw in or remove from our lives we either come from a place of fear or love. Fear makes us settle for something we don’t really want, buy things we don’t really need, stay in jobs we don’t really like, and remain in disempowering relationships. In other words, we continue to live smaller than our true potential. Making decisions from love and inner-knowing on the other hand, allows us to live more deep and fulfilling lives full of abundance and joy. We’ve all made decisions we regret, that are not in alignment with our principles, and that were hastily made based on emotions or ego. Identifying where your decision-making is coming from at its core, is the first step towards preventing yourself from making decisions that don’t serve the highest good of all. Here are four core ways we make decisions.

1. Through our intuition

This is the easiest, smoothest, and most aligned way to make decisions. From this place, decisions can be made quickly and without too much logical thought or analysis. We don’t need to justify these decisions because they just feel right or we know they are right. We may hear a voice inside our heads giving us confirmation or we may have received a vision beforehand. Intuitive decisions come from the heart and a place of love, rather than from our mind or a place of fear. To access these insights they key is to go within, rather than continue to search outside ourselves for answers. Call it your gut instinct, inner guidance system, or inner guru, making decisions from this place comes from our authentic self. When our lives our driven from our intuition, not only can’t we go wrong, but we also create flow, ease, and miracles.

2. From a place of fear

Fear drives a lot of decisions as it’s embedded in us to keep us safe. Fear can also be found everywhere we look, in every person, and every place. Making decisions from fear makes us feel restricted, anxious, scared, and keeps us playing small in life. These decisions often stem from a place of lack and are connected to fear of the future or fears from the past. We often regret these decisions as soon as we make them and are not surprised when our predictions come true or we are left with a disappointed feeling. Although some intuitive decisions can also have some fear around them, pure fear-based decisions are made from the mind, with no heart or trust involved.

3. Through others’ influence

When we are not connected to our intuition we can be left feeling confused, overwhelmed, and easily give away our power to others. Although it can be handy to take advice and guidance from others, especially who have achieved what we want to achieve, making decisions purely based on someone else’s opinion can prove to be detrimental. It can leave us feeling regretful, fearful, or even blaming the person afterwards when things don’t go as we wanted. When it comes down to it, we are the only ones that know deep down what is best for us, no other person can give us that insight. All our answers lie within.

4. By using logic

It can be easy to get logical and somewhat scientific about making decisions based on predictions, hypothesis, or stats. The fact is, there are so many different variables which can affect any type of outcome no matter how predictable it may seem. The power of the mind and energy is so strong that what someone is energetically doing or thinking can affect outcomes even after the action has been taken. Logical decisions also have no heart involved, so often leave you feeling flat, unenthusiastic, and wanting to hold on to control. The key to making the right decisions that always serve our highest good and the good of all, come from being connected to our inner guidance system and intuition. Once we are aligned to this all-knowing energy, we can take action, trust and surrender. Our action becomes guided and allows us to deliver and receive what is best for us and others. We create miracles and live a life of flow and purpose. Featured photo credit: Kristina Litvjak via unsplash.com