If you can make your resume interesting and help it to stand out in the crowd, you are more likely to accomplish your goals of getting more interview calls. Most of the resumes are boring because they follow similar format and styles. Is there any way to spice up a boring resume and make it look more attractive to the recruiters? How can you make your resume stand out in a pile of resumes? If you want to be unique, then you will need to take some risks. The next time you are applying for a job, you need to — first and foremost — do this: Focus On The Job Title of the Job You’re Applying For.

How do you do that?

You can do that by adding some descriptive words to your job title. Make it interesting — make it stand out. Recruiters often only look at your resume for just a few seconds. So you have only a few seconds to make a positive impression — and you can do that with your resume title. Your resume title can get that necessary first glance and create an important interest for recruiters. Here’s an example  that will help you understand this idea better… Instead of writing “Content Writer” why not write “Content Writer for XYZ Corporation,” if the XYZ corporation is a well-known name. You can also write “Content Writer with 5 Years Experience,” or “Content Writer with Marketing Background,” or “Content Writer with HTML Skills.” They may just be a few words — but they are the words that can get the attention of the recruiters. Adding those words in your resume title can do the trick for you. Here are some other examples:

Instead of “Internet Marketer” as your resume title, why not have “Internet Marketer with AdWords Certification.” Instead of “Marketing Manager” as your resume title, why not have “Marketing Manager with Online Marketing Experience.”

Why does it work?

This looks like a very small trick…but it works. It works because it helps the recruiters see something that they are not finding with the other hundreds of candidates. It shows you as unique, different, and proactive — and recruiters love those traits. Show that you are really interested in the opening and recruiters will look to call you for an interview. It helps if you write about your experience and expertise without the recruiters having to read the whole resume. It saves the recruiters’ time, making the screening faster. And everybody loves to work less and get things done faster….right?


So, the next time you are sending your resume in for any job, customize it for the job and search. Find and use attention-grabbing and important words in the resume title. Try it a few times and you will see the difference. The recruiters will also notice the difference, improving and increasing the chances of getting you that elusive job interview. (Photo credit: My Resume via Shutterstock)

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out From the Crowd - 9