But you know what? They’re not. They just have a higher spiritual and emotional intelligence that has allowed them to create their life beyond conventional limitations. I’m going to show you how you can achieve that too. So spiritual and emotional IQ means turning life on its head. Instead of walking around and looking at how you’re the victim of everything going on around you, take a look and ask – what if I could create anything and transform everything in my life? What if my own belief systems – my actions and decisions – are causing my life to be this way, in every capacity? What if I could gain a perspective that was high enough to change that?

The cause and effect relationship to life

Those with a spiritual IQ say there is a cause and effect relationship for everything that happens in the physical universe. When I started to increase my understanding of these concepts I could instantly see I was spending every resource I had to create what I really didn’t want in my life. Back then, I was complaining, I was angry, I was confused. If someone had come and said ‘why don’t you stop creating this life for yourself?’ I would have refused any responsibility. As you raise your spiritual and emotional IQ you start seeing a bigger piece of the world, which gives you a different perspective of these labels you’ve put on yourself. You can also see the cause and effect relationship that these things have in your life and to the results that you’re achieving. Often, these are not the results you want.

How you can change your life around today

This is how you can learn to see life through a different lens, and start recognizing limiting mindsets, and how to change them. The belief you can is the only prerequisite required for you to achieve it.

Don’t do anything with the view you’re the victim of circumstances. Take control, take responsibility. Don’t buy into your own ‘poor me’ story.

Plug into some positive things that give you the perception the control is within you. Personal development books, podcasts, a community of positive people! Steer clear of those within your circle who are permanently playing the victim. They’ll only drag you down.

Tune into your own language. Listen to your internal dialogue, and word choices you make while conversing with others. Make sure it consists of I can, I want, I will. And not I can’t, I won’t, I want to BUT.

Anything the mind can see and believe, it can achieve

You don’t know how quickly things can change when you get on track spiritually, emotionally, and stop engaging in the drama. Make space in your mind for you to believe anything is possible then within that space; start to create exactly what you want: Physically – in your life on a daily basis by your every day actions. Mentally – by what you’re putting into your mind and your internal conversations. Visually – visualize your future and design it exactly how you want. The possibilities are endless. Welcome to the journey towards your extraordinary life!