Your grumbling about some aspects of your life at times is acceptable; however, if your complaining reaches the point where it interferes with the quality of your days, that’s a totally different story. When I say it interferes with the quality of your days, I mean your productivity as a valued employee of a certain company, or as a business owner is affected negatively. When you reach this stage, that is a sign you have to do something to address the problem. Yes, at this point, it has become a problem. As such, you have to find a solution; and better do it quickly. It’s always a wise move to uproot anything from your life that will negatively affect your productivity. If I have just struck a sensitive nerve, I want to share you Steve Pavlina’s article. Steve talks about mental conditioning, the perils of being trap in negative thinking, how to overcome negativity, conscious creation, and finally, assuming total responsibility. How to Stop Complaining I Steve Pavlina