More men seem to be love letter scribes than women.That’s not to say women don’t write them, but have you ever noticed that a man who might not be able to express himself that well verbally, finds his voice and clarity in writing? It’s not that easy to write a letter expressing your deepest romantic feelings, though. It takes time, practice and patience to get it just right. A few pointers will help you in your quest to shower your romantic love with words that will melt the heart.

The Letter Opening

When you start your letter, say why you’re writing it in the first place. Is it a special occasion? Is it her birthday? Has he been feeling under the weather? Use those prompts to get you started. For example:

Talk About How You Met in the Letter

In the next paragraph, talk about what you have in common that brought you together. Did you meet while skiing? Do you attend church together? Do you have pets that allowed you to meet? This brings back a good memory that will give your significant other a sense of nostalgia and mutual understanding. When I saw your hair blowing in the wind, as you walked through the park on that July 4th afternoon, my heart just melted. I needed to express my feelings for you with pomp and circumstance with the fireworks of a hand-written letter. You may not need to do this in subsequent love letters, but for the first one or two, recounting how you met is sure to bring a smile to his or her face.

Talk About What You Love About Him or Her

What is it exactly that made you fall in love? Was it her eyes? His confidence? Does she “have it together”? Tell about all the things that made you go wild for your love.

Next, Write About How You’ve Changed Since Meeting Your Love

Do you notice that you’re a better person since meeting him or her? Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you think of him? Does a smile come to your face at the mention of his name? Talk about that. This lets your love know that your life has changed for the better – always a good thing.

Close the Letter

After you have expressed everything you want, close the letter. Affirm your commitment to the relationship. Talk about how you’re moving forward as a couple.

Some Writing Tips

At first, writing a letter can be daunting. Don’t let that stop you. Just go for it: getting something on paper will release the creative juices you need to continue writing. It’s all a matter of getting started. That’s the hardest part. From there:

Know that you’ll probably need to write several drafts before you get the letter just the way you want it. If you get stuck, say the words out loud you want to say, then go back and try to write them down. Be yourself. If you’re not a poet normally, now may not be the best time to try to eke out some poetic prose. Either find a poem that helps express your thoughts, or just write as you normally would. Don’t worry about being too “mushy.” Your love will just appreciate that you’ve written a letter expressing your sentiments. Use the letter structure outlined above as a guide only. You may want to skip certain parts or expand upon others. Don’t worry about fancy writing. Get to the point. If you think of a great word or sentence to use, go ahead. Again, your love will just appreciate the effort in the first place. Use a letter-writing site. There are websites out there that can help you put your words on “parchment” and use great fonts to craft your letter.

With these guidelines and tips, you’re well on your way to crafting a perfect letter that will capture the heart of the one you love.