There are many simple writing tips that can make your writing more appealing to the reader – check out 7 tips that will help you to write well below.

1. Be concise and avoid rambling

One of the most common mistakes made by new writers is writing overly long and complicated sentences. The writers don’t want to miss out any detail and they are trying to sound knowledgeable, but instead they end up rambling and losing the interest of the reader. Instead of focusing on describing everything, only write down the essentials to create vivid, high-quality descriptive writing.

2. Do your research before you write

A quick way to lose credibility as a writer is to write something inaccurate. Many writers simply forget to check their facts, or are in a hurry to publish their article, but it is well worth doing the research. You can often double check most facts on-line on reputable websites, or you can contact a company or person relevant to your article. This will help you to project an image of a professional, reliable writer, which could even get you new writing projects in the future.

3. Use varied sentence lengths

Sentence lengths are an important part of creating a good piece of writing. Short sentences can be used to convey facts quickly, or to add effect to important messages, and long sentences can be used to describe a scene or build tension. Avoid writing a repetitive article and make your words flow with varied sentence lengths.

4. Find your own writing style

All great writers have their own, unique voice. Their writing voice allows them to create their own niche and gains them consistent, devoted readers. If you don’t feel like you have found your writing voice yet, look to other writers who inspire you. Compare all of the writers to each other and think about what you like about each writer’s individual voice, and then write down what you want to sound like as a writer. This will help you to find your own voice.

5. Create a writing outline before you start to write

One of the biggest problems for all writers is knowing what you want to write about before you start. Create a writing outline before you start writing to help make the work seem less intimidating and more achievable. It doesn’t need to be complicated; simply write a framework for how many sections you will write, and what you will cover in each section.

6. Don’t use overly-complicated words to sound impressive

Many writers intentionally use long and difficult words to try and sound impressive while creating effect, but this rarely has the desired effect. Instead the writing becomes clunky and hard to digest, taking away the flow of the words. This leaves the reader disinterested and even patronized. Avoid this by using common, relatable words that don’t distract from your writing, with vivid descriptions to impress and add effect.

7. Read your writing out loud when you have finished

Excellent writing flows like speech, and hearing your writing out loud will help to notice any poorly phrased sentences or repeated words.This easiest way to make sure your writing reads well is to read it out loud once you have finishing writing it. You can also use software programs on your computer to read your work to you, or you can ask a friend or family member to read the article out loud.