Be weary of the bestsellers.

For example, when a book comes out about success and is on the bestseller shelf, it’s hard not to go over and pick it up. I mean, who wouldn’t? It must be full of useful information if it made it onto a shelf like that. What you don’t think about is how many other people picked up that same book and will utilize the information in it to get ahead. That’s what they think at least. If you want to be different and above average, you can’t do what everyone else is doing. The next time you adventure to the bookstore, make a point to walk right past this section. Make your way to the back, towards books that typically get overlooked. If all you’re going for is a little extra help sounding witty at your work’s cocktail party, go ahead and swipe the bestseller. If you’re looking to make a statement and to stand out, make your way to the back. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you find. Another mistake that a lot of people make is they skim through a book and don’t really take the time to absorb the information in it. Today, everyone wants instant gratification. It doesn’t work that way, take your time.

If you think the way they think, you’ll remain average.

This is a huge problem in our world today, and it doesn’t just necessarily have to do with the books we read. It’s extremely competitive out there and being average just isn’t an option. There is always going to be someone smarter than you. You can play the game of life all you want but being average won’t get you a win. As time goes on, the bar for what is considered average will get much higher. You have to think outside the box to get to the top. Take a look at Bill Gates. Simply put, this man thinks in ways that most others don’t. That’s how he has reached such a high level of success. When you think outside the box, it allows you to free your mind so you can become more creative when it comes to solving problems. Then instead of just accepting what is, you can start to think about what could be. Maybe you’ve been working towards a promotion at work for months, and you just can’t seem to get it. It’s frustrating of course when you feel like you’ve done everything you can and still haven’t gotten it. You have thoughts that anyone would have: you come to work on time, you meet your deadlines, stay late at the office, work on holidays, etc. To get where you want to be, you need to break the barrier in your mind from thinking like the average person. Getting outside the boundaries of your head will open new options. You may discover ways you haven’t thought of to get you where you want to be. Starting today, make the choice to be different. You can do it! Image Credits: Girl Reading Book: Huffington Post, Featured photo credit: via

If You Want To Be More Successful  Change Your Reading Habit In This Way - 55