1. You will have fewer friends.

The quality of your friendships improves as you reach 30. You are not concerned with having a lot of friends; rather, you are more concerned about having the right friends.

2. You will have more weddings to attend.

You’ll be attending more wedding ceremonies than you did you were younger or perhaps you’ll be visiting families more rather than going on vacations.

3. You will become more selective.

You will find it easier to say “No” rather than trying to please everyone by saying “Yes.”

4. You will become more interested in purposeful work.

Unlike when you were younger, and you just had to tolerate and do anything to get by, reaching 30 will mean that you want to do something you enjoy.

5. You will find more pleasure in the simple things.

Reaching the age of 30 makes you realize that golden moments are lived during periods of simplicity. You will take pleasure and appreciate the simpler things better.

6. You will focus on yourself more than on the opinions of others.

You won’t be consumed by the perception of others around you. Rather, you will find more excitement in focusing on yourself and how you can become a better person.

7. You will be referred to as Uncle or Aunt.

You are now older and people see you that way. Younger ones, who you may not be related to, will refer to you as Uncle or Aunt.

8. You will value every item you buy.

You become responsible for yourself and find value in everything you buy to make yourself more comfortable, from the bed to the TV screen.

9. You will be more focused on your health.

You are concerned about your lifestyle and how it will affect your health. You are more cautious about what you eat and drink.

10. You will understand that life is fickle.

Some of the people in the course of your life may have passed on or are facing serious health issues. You start understanding that what is may be gone in the blink of an eye.

11. You will pay more attention to your romantic relationships.

If you are married, you will give attention to your husband or wife. If you are single you will pay attention to the romantic ties you have.

12. You will become a better philosopher.

They say experience is the best teacher and reaching the age of 30 must have provided you with some experiences to make you think smarter.

13. You will have become disappointed by those you love many times.

People that you care about must have broken your heart and made you disappointed enough to make you more cautious any time you approach a new relationship.

14. You will appreciate knowledge.

You understand that knowledge goes further than you thought. You find that life is a wonderful teacher.

15. You will be let down by people.

The best favors come from the most unexpected sources. And the people you expected to be there for you fall short.

16. You will appreciate your family.

At the end of the day, family will be the closest people in your life and you will start cherishing them.

17. You will get better at forgiveness.

There is no point in holding onto resentment or grudges. You understand that letting go is the best way to aim for progress.

18. You will understand that life will not turned out as planned.

Maybe you wanted to be a doctor and then you ended up as a model or comedian. Life never turns out as planned—this you realize.

19. You will find peace with yourself.

You understand that nothing is gained from worrying. You know that things will turn out okay after all.

20. You will realize that words have power.

You become more cautious about what you say because you understand that words are powerful. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com