1. Give each other space

One of the main things you have to remember while in a relationship is that it is important to give yourself, and your partner some space. If you and your partner spend too much time together, it is easy to get annoyed with each other, and that can easily take away the passion of a relationship. By giving each other space, you can give yourself, and your partner time to miss each other, making that “little reunion” pretty special.

2. Make Passion a Priority

Up there with honesty, integrity, and love and respect, passion should be another important trait you show in your relationship. If you make a habit out of expressing your passionate side, you will find it much easier to keep up with it, and keeping the passion alive will come more naturally!

3. Experience Passion Within Yourself

Something people often forget to remember to do is to actually experience the passion within themselves. How are you supposed to be able to express passion with someone else, if you aren’t too sure what YOU are passionate about? Figure out what makes you passionate before trying to figure out how to to spark passion with someone else.

4. Experience new things together

Another fun way to keep the passion sparking in your relationship is to experience new things together. Whether you go to a new restaurant, travel somewhere new or take on something different — like rollerskating — don’t be afraid to try something new with your partner! You would be amazed what kind of positive effect that can have on a relationship.

5. Feel free to keep some secrets

Just because you think its okay to share every little detail with your partner, doesn’t always mean it is. I don’t mean withhold important information from your partner when I say this, I mean that you should feel free to choose what you want to share, when it comes to the little things.  For an example, its not that big of a deal if you don’t want to tell your partner that you don’t like his or her friends, or family.  Unveiling these types of secrets can put a damper on your relationship, and that is a step in the wrong direction.

6. Don’t forget to touch!

What I mean by this is, don’t forget to use physical affection. There is something about a soft, gentle caress of the skin by the one you love that ignites a spark inside of a good relationship. Its the little things like this that keep relationships going strong.

7. Play

With stress from jobs, bills, and other everyday lives, its easy to forget how to have fun. Don’t forget to enjoy yourselves as a couple, even if it means just having your own little dance party in the middle of the living room, or even building a blanket fort, and watching your favorite childhood movie.

8. Say “I Love You”

Such a simple hint that a lot of people seem to overlook. Those three little words can have such a lasting affect on someone. And don’t be afraid to overuse them!  You never know when your loved one needs to hear you say it.

9. Be Spontaneous

A good way to keep passion sparkling in your relationship is to be spontaneous. It always keeps your partner on their toes, as well as yourself. There is no planning needed during being spontaneous. It keeps things interesting between you two, and it keeps the passion burning!

10. Don’t Be Spontaneous

Now, I know what you are thinking. I just mentioned to be spontaneous, but sometimes its just as good to actually take the time to plan out a romantic evening for your partner. They will be so charmed by the time and effort you put into your plans, it will rekindle that passion in your relationship.

11. Don’t let intimacy become unimportant

Although intimacy isn’t the only thing that makes a relationship, it certainly is an important factor if you want to have a passionate relationship (And no, I’m not just talking about sex). You should always remember to take time out of your busy life to express intimacy with one another. You’d be surprised what kind of toll it can take on a relationship if it begins to lack intimacy. Take in mind these helpful hints when seeking help on sparking that passion fire, but always keep in mind what made you love your partner in the first place. After all, who knows your relationship better than the one in the relationship. Featured photo credit: Fortune Cookie/Love via facebook.com