It is important to spend time focusing on making yourself feel happy and content. Many people spend too much time worrying about if they are achieving enough, or if they are successful enough. They frequently compare themselves to others and find themselves lacking. However, this attitude is unhealthy – and more importantly, it is a waste of your time. It is more important to spend time making yourself happy and improving yourself so your life improves without you even realizing it. Check out some little things you can do every day to refresh your life and find happiness.

  1. Do something you loved as a child, from playing on a swing to watching a funny cartoon.
  2. Listen to your favorite album as a teenager and remember your youth.
  3. Take a long stroll in the evening through a beautiful wood or forest.
  4. Dance whenever you get the opportunity to do so. In the kitchen, down the streets, in the shower!
  5. Explore the area you live in alone, wandering through the streets and shops.
  6. Make yourself your favorite hot drink in your favorite cup, and settle down on the sofa to enjoy it.
  7. Try a yoga class so you can feel relaxed every day.
  8. Listen to your favorite song while burning a scented candle.
  9. Write down three things every day that you are grateful for in your life, from family and friends to chocolate muffins.
  10. Work on a project that is important to you.
  11. Sing a song you love and know all the words to.
  12. Sleep in late and make yourself a delicious, healthy breakfast you can eat in bed.
  13. Try to grow a beautiful flower or plant. If you don’t have a garden, buy an inside plant for your home.
  14. Make your favorite meal when you’re alone, and leisurely enjoy the process of cooking and eating something delicious.
  15. Visit a free public place in your area, from local museums to your nearest library.
  16. If you have a pet, give them a big, long hug every day.
  17. Draw or paint something beautiful. If you don’t feel like you have the time to paint, simply doodle to relax.
  18. Bake some delicious, healthy snacks at the beginning of the week so you have instant tasty food to grab all week.
  19. Spend some time with your best friend or significant other.
  20. Start reading a new book you have always intended to read.
  21. Compliment your friends and co-workers whenever you get the opportunity to.
  22. If it is a sunny day and you are at work, eat your lunch outside and enjoy the weather.
  23. Bake your favorite dessert to share with your friends and family.
  24. Pamper yourself by deep conditioning your hair, using a face mask or getting a massage.
  25. Pick up a hobby that will teach you a new skill, such as sewing or learning to play an instrument.
  26. Run a hot bubble bath and light a few scented candles.
  27. Smile at a stranger in the street.
  28. Watch the sunset or the sunrise to experience some of nature’s natural, calming beauty.
  29. Watch a funny film to make you smile.
  30. Contact someone who you don’t get to speak to often. If you don’t have much free time, just drop them a text – it is sure to put a smile on both of your faces. What did you think of this list? Share it with your friends to see what they think!