Challenge yourself to reach new levels

No matter where you are, there is always room for improvement. If you’re an employee, challenge yourself to move up the corporate ladder in a given amount of time. Give yourself a deadline, and then investigate what you need to do to reach it. If you’re upper management, challenge yourself to take the business to a whole new level.

Get involved in a project that inspires passion in you

You can make your job more enjoyable by embarking on a passion project. For example, if you’re passionate about the environment, start a project to convince all your coworkers to use reusable coffee mugs. By using your job to make a difference in a cause that matters to you, you’ll actually look forward to going to work every day. Just make sure your passion project doesn’t violate company standards. If you work in a factory that produces paper coffee mugs, your reusable coffee mug project may not go over so well.

Commit random acts of kindness

Doing something nice for those you work for or with can go a long way to boosting your own job enjoyment. Buy a cup of coffee for the guy in the cubicle next to you. Bring in a cake for your favorite client’s birthday. Kindness is contagious. When everyone is smiling, your work will be more enjoyable.

Start your day with laughter

Going in to work with a grumpy attitude will make the day drag by. Make your job enjoyable by getting yourself in the right mood before starting the day. Spend a few minutes on your favorite humor site when you wake up, watch a funny sitcom while you’re getting ready, or even just share a joke with your neighbor on the train.

Form bonds with coworkers

You can make your job enjoyable by making friends at work. You’re all in the same proverbial boat, more or less. You don’t have to become best friends with everyone at your job. Find something you have in common with your coworkers and use it to create a connection. It can be anything from kids in the same school to a distaste for the coffee in the break room.

Participate in job functions

In grade school, kids get points for class participation. While you won’t earn shiny little stars for participating in job functions, you will earn a little notice from the higher-ups. Even better, you’ll make friends and memories with your coworkers, which really helps make your job more enjoyable. You don’t have to show up to every office holiday and birthday party, just make an effort to put in an appearance at a few each year.

Leave the job behind at the end of the day

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to make your job enjoyable is leaving it behind when you punch out for the day. Go home and relax. Spend time with family and friends. Even if you dealt with the worst client of your career that day, leave it at the office. Anyone can get through a shift if they know it eventually ends. Remember, attitude is everything when it comes to making your job enjoyable. Focus on the positive aspects of your position and the negative won’t seem so dreary. Featured photo credit: Alex France via