You’re applauded if you lack sleep. Working overtime means you’re committed to your job. And not taking holidays is seen as being productive. You come home tired and chores are waiting for you. Before you go to sleep there are emails to be answered. On the first crack of dawn, you’re rushing out the door to avoid traffic during commute. It’s not surprising that many of us look AND feel exhausted all the time. Keep it up and you’re bound to find yourself asleep on your desk, or losing that important client deal. Playing multiple roles everyday can take its toll – even on the strongest amongst us. In times of economic crisis, investing in rest and relaxation (R&R) can feel ridiculous. This is especially true if you’re on a tight budget. But think about it: in whatever industry you work in, wouldn’t it be nice to look AND feel your best? Not only is this a great confidence booster; but being at your best also means that you get to take care of your loved ones better because you’re not tired all the time. Here’s where a spa visit comes in. You may argue that it’s costly or just a form of luxury. But in recent years, the spa industry has grown – along with its number of male patrons. According to the International Spa Association (ISPA), the number of male spa-goers went up from 31 percent to 47 percent. This means ANYONE can finally get a much-needed R&R, thanks to modern customized treatments and other conveniences. Here are five unbeatable reasons to drop by your local spa sometime soon:

1. Most spa treatments are good for your health

Spas nowadays offer a wide range of services that include massages, facial treatments, grooming, and body therapies, to name a few. For beginners, a good ol’ massage is a nice starting point. Experts recommend a hot stone massage to encourage blood flow in the body, relieving body pain and promoting deep relaxation. A foot massage is also a good idea, especially for men who are hard on their feet. This type of massage helps prevent foot and ankle injuries, reduces headaches, and lowers blood pressure. Mineral baths on the other hand, have purported benefits for those suffering from low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis, according to family doctor Kim Foster. Even something as simple as aromatherapy has been reported to improve depression and insomnia.

2. It’s great for grooming

There’s no shame in wanting to look your best. After all, there’s nothing like a clean, well-groomed face to catch a good date, land that coveted promotion, or strike a business deal. Spas have all kinds of facials to keep you looking fresh. From simple exfoliation to targeted laser treatment to take care of acne scars and blemishes, men and women will step out of the spa with a renewed kind of confidence.

3. De-stress after work and play

Millennials make up the largest population in the workforce today. With about 53 million millennials trying to balance work and life, it’s no wonder this generation is usually stretched to their limits. So what do you do on days when everything just feels like they’re against you? Relax. Treat yourself to the serenity and pampering of a local spa near you. Korean spas for example, have been on the rise in recent years thanks to their unique services. Unlike other establishments, these places offer super quiet atmospheres, deluxe amenities (gold-covered saunas, movie theatres, etc.), and amazing food. In fact, Koreans are known to visit spas frequently due to their overworked lifestyles. It’s not just singles and workers who are patrons: families, friends, and couples come not only to relax, but also to retain their beauty.

4. Great for dates

Let’s face it: it can sometimes feel daunting to come up with marvelous date ideas to wow your significant other. Watching movies is cute, until you can’t decide on a good film. Picnics usually take plenty of prep work and a good venue, while candlelight dinners seem overrated. But if there’s one thing couples can agree on, it’s that both won’t say no to a day of pampering. Imagine a sauna for two, or full body massages with sumptuous dinner and lots of candles. Although you and your partner won’t be saying much during your spa visit, both of you will definitely come out feeling better than ever. What better way to say ‘I love you’ than spoiling them?

5. Spas can help you lose weight

Aside from spa amenities that encourage activity (table tennis areas, swimming pools, etc.), there are also spa treatments that can push you in the right lifestyle direction. Want to shave off a few inches in a certain area? Techniques like cool sculpting can remove love handles or stomach rolls by freezing fat cells. Accompanied with regular exercise and a healthy diet, it’s possible to keep your new shape. As more and more people realize how important self-care is, spas are becoming one of the go-to destinations for health and relaxation. Don’t be put off by gossip or media. Educate yourself about what local spas have to offer for you. Maintain an open mind and you might just find an experience unlike any other.