1. Practice Tube Etiquette

On the escalators, walk on the left and stand on the right, when in rush hour walk off the escalator, and don’t be overly friendly or make unnecessary eye contact with anyone on public transport.

2. Expect to be Lost in Translation

Western phrases don’t translate well at all but the local slang will become apparent with time. Misunderstandings are to be expected.

3. Don’t Travel by Tube Only

In addition to the Underground, there are also trains and buses that are beneficial to travel to smaller neighborhoods and will help to get a better feel of the layout of the city.

4. Enjoy the Sun

It is not always raining in London, so when the sun is shining, expect to be flooded with last-minute plans. Find a park close to home and grab some drinks for the picnic – it’s legal!

5. Take in the Culture

London’s museums are always packed with locals among tourists, and many permanent exhibitions are free.

6. Get a Dog

London is extremely dog-friendly, as they are allowed on trains, buses, and tubes as well as some restaurants and pubs. London relocation services can help in finding a pet-friendly home.

7. Get out Whenever Possible

London is so close to other desirable locations, going away for a weekend will never be a big deal. With four airports and a train, anything is possible.

8. Put the Phone Away

Having your phone out slows the pace of everyone around, and spending your time taking selfies will make you look like a tourist. Plus, you miss out on a lot when your nose is buried in the screen.

9. Don’t be afraid to Make Friends

The city can feel lonely sometimes, but many people feel the same. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation – but don’t go overboard!

10. Say “Yes” More

Spend the money, take the trip, eat the food, do it all. London has so much to offer, that if you put anything off it’ll likely never happen.

11. Don’t Eat at the Same Place Twice

The cuisine available in London is a foodie’s dream, never sell yourself short by eating at the same restaurant twice.

12. Small Talk is All About the Weather

This is the key to existing happily in the city. It is a safe topic that can fill the void in any conversation.

13. Avoid Time-Wasters like Netflix

With so much to do in the city, don’t let Netflix eat away at the time that could be spent exploring.

14. Speak up About What you Want

Nobody can read your mind and in a city like London, everyone is only looking out for themselves. Speak up when you need to.

15. Mark your Territory on the Tube

Making yourself too small can lead to you being crowded onto. Claim your space confidently and you’ll be okay.

16. Everything Takes Some Getting Used To

The city is loud, expensive, and very fast-paced. All of this at once can be a bit overwhelming, but embracing it as a whole can lead to feelings of fulfillment not disappointment.

17. When it all Seems like too Much, walk the Waterloo Bridge

This will take you away from the crowds and the noise, and will show you exactly why you made the decision to move to London in the first place.