Science says that you should take vitamins, but most  importantly, you should cover your daily nutritions from consuming healthy, balanced meals, and not entirely depending on vitamin. There are few health conscious people out here who are on diets, and think that taking vitamins are enough to fill in the blank. Science also says something different. New studies have evolved around how people, especially women, who took multi-vitamins, died at higher rates than women who didn’t. Studies have also seen that vitamin can lead to cancer, heart disease, and may shorten lives. Here are the list of vitamins that you should take, and the ones you should avoid.

Vitamin A, C &E: Antioxidants; may cause certain types of cancer if overly taken.

Vitamin A, C, and E are also known as antioxidants. This supplement is quite commonly used in order to prevent oneself from cancer. But studies show otherwise. If antioxidant vitamin is taken in large amount, it can possess harm to the body. A detailed study on male smokers, who consistently took vitamin A, were at higher risk of getting lung cancer than those who did not consume that vitamin. Therefore, it is always advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are full of antioxidants. The body does not require extra amount of vitamin A, C, and E.

Vitamin B3: may develop infections, liver problems, or internal bleeding.

Another vitamin that falls in the “not good” category is vitamin B3. It is believed to have adverse effect on patients with heart diseases, diabetes, or high cholesterol. This vitamin supplement is usually prescribed to prevent LDL (the bad) cholesterol by reducing its level, and increasing HDL (the good) cholesterol’s level. It is also given to patients with heart stroke history. Rather, in studies shown that patients who regularly took vitamin B3 were more likely exposed to developing infections, liver problems, and internal bleeding. Researchers found out that niacin (vitamin B3) has no role in preventing heart problems, instead, have dreadful side effects. They are now saying that this vitamin should not be prescribed anymore. They are also saying that niacin can be fulfilled through eating salmon, tuna, or even beets.

Vitamin C: it won’t help you to recover from cold.

We see how vitamin C is a popular supplement to cure you from cold, or fever. But does it really help you to recover? I have noticed that nowadays doctors don’t prescribe any medicines if you or your children are suffering from cold. Why? They say give it a week and it will go away. Eat citrus fruits like mandarin, oranges, strawberries. And it has worked for me every time. It is found out in studies that vitamin C has no effect in curing colds. In fact, if you take overdose, you are likely to be in trouble. But there is a catch. Vitamin C is safe if you stay within a recommended dose. Once you exceed to 2000mg daily, you are probably at higher risk of suffering from kidney stones.

Vitamin D: must have it for stronger bones.

This is one vitamin that everyone should take, especially when you are ageing. It is hard to get vitamin D from natural sources, which is why, the main supply is dependant on the supplements. Sunlight provides some amount of this vitamin to our bodies, but it is still not enough. Vitamin D contributes calcium which is required by our bodies to maintain healthy and strong bones. Studies have shown that people who consume regular vitamin D tend to live longer, and without body aches.

Vitamin E: a no-no vitamin, may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

Another antioxidant, vitamin E is believed to work as a prevention of cancer. But studies show an alarming result. A research was done on 36,000 men who took vitamin E supplements, and found out that they were at a higher rate of developing prostate cancer. In fact, those who took over doses of vitamin E, were in an increased rate of death scale. These results have made the doctors go against prescribing this supplement now. They recommend food like fresh dark greens such as spinach to be added in everyday diet.

Folic acid is generally linked to pregnancy related issues. This supplement is suggested to pregnant mothers, and a daily intake of 400 micrograms per day is sufficient for both the mother and the growing foetus. Studies have shown how folic acid supplements have successfully decreased rates of serious birth defects in newborns, such as neonatal-tube defects, defects in baby’s brain, spinal cords, etc. Doctors also advise this vitamin B supplement to those who want to get pregnant.

Multivitamins: Avoid it, you get good amount from your daily diet.

For years, it was believed that multivitamins are an excellent source of acquiring overall vitamins for our bodies. Because multivitamins mostly contain vitamin A, B, and C. But in 2012, the researchers carried out a large study on 39,000 women who took multivitamin supplements regularly for about 25 years, and the result showed that they had higher chances of death risks. That is why, nowadays doctors ask their patients to stick to very well balanced and nutritious meals per day. Your daily diet will supply your multivitamins for the day.

Zinc: a good source of vitamin for your body.

Zinc is a good source of mineral, and it has proven records of improving colds, unlike vitamin C. Studies done on 1,300 people show that consuming zinc syrup, or tablet, or even lozenges, have a positive result on healing common colds by nearly 1 day compared to those who didn’t take zinc supplements. Zinc also has a positive effect on the children as well. Medical science evolves so much over time that it is quite surprising to know the results of recent studies done on things, especially vitamin supplements. Vitamin you know is good for you turns out to be quite fatal. Hopefully this article has helped you to decide which supplements to take and which ones to avoid.