1. You’ve got to-do-list everywhere.

This is usually the result of a Pinterest orFacebook post with awesome ideas, or photos of awesome foods you need to make on your Instagram. So, your brain runs a million miles a minute making to-do-lists for the week, month and year! We all know though, those to-do-lists will never be finished because someone sent you a message about dinner and tacos do sound better than planning your meals for the entire week!

2. There are multiple parts of your brain and soul trying to be a part of the one conversation.

You usually get two different reactions to the way you hold conversations. The first is a look of awe when the person you are talking to sees that you can have a conversation all by yourself and realize that you don’t need them for it. But in realitiy it’s usually a hidden look of concern as if they need to find the contact information for the closest hospital that can give you something to make you focus on one thing. The other reaction is something amazing all in itself. If the other person you are talking to has bit of a scatter brain themselves, you both are having multiple conversations between each part of your brains jumping from topic to topic yet still remaining in sync. Observers are usually in the background watching with their jaw to the floor wondering how two people can be making plans, discussing Harry Potter, talking about different kinds of wine, and their dogs, with every other sentence being a different subject all in one conversation.

3. You receive “Hello…?” texts all the time.

Ususally you receive a message and respond to it mentally. Usually this mental response is an entire paragraph, however, in reality you did not send it. Your friends know it is better to just call you or send you a message online in groups so that you actually respond and don’t excpect them to read your mind!

4. You’ve made multiple trips to the store because you got … ooh! Candy!

There have been several times you have needed an onion or something for some dumb recipe you saw on Facebook, so you went to the store…hungry. You walk into the store, determined to get this onion and get out so you can check at least one thing off of your one out of one thousand to-do-list. Then you see that there is a bunch of candy in one aisle, and OH! POPCORN! Then you are trying to see if you can get some friends together and get a movie night going. In goes Snickers, Rice Crispy Treats, popcorn, soda and don’t forget the Sour Patch kids. Then you find yourself looking at the magazines, then the cards remembering that it was someones birthday about a week ago. This is why you don’t go to Target, because by the time you’re in your car with your bags in your trunk, you remember that you forgot the dang onion. Oh well, drive through tacos it is before movie night!

5. People who don’t know you think you’re a flake and people who do, write down their plans in your planner.

Planning things that are in advance requires a ton of effort from you. You constantly have conversations planning so many awesome things but don’t really go through with it until it’s written in stone. When I say stone, I mean your daily planner that gives you some sort of order in your chaotic spontaneous life. If there is someone that makes verbal plans with you, well that was a mistake!

6. While reading this in this tab, you likely have 5,637,372 different other tabs and programs open and running!

Don’t even try to deny, you have Facebook open, you’re shopping for something online, you’ve got homework you are trying to do (but not really) and you’re reading this article. In addition to that, you’ve got some sort of music going on in the backgound and probably watching something on the television. Am I wrong? If I am, then maybe you’ve found yourself reading an article that isn’t about you (no offense).

7. You do not classify the first hour or so before your caffine dose as “being awake”.

This is the hour that you can be considered one of the extras of the Walking Dead. Nothing will register, you can almost be classified as sleep walking until a cup of coffee is poured or a monster is cracked open. Anyone that tries to make plans, ask you anything important, or get you to do something for them is utterly out of their minds if they attempt to do it in the first hour.

8. Lights, noise, smells and anything else that moves are your kryptonite.

As much as you try to focus, usually anything will distract your busy mind. Homework takes you about eight hours compared to the “normal” three.

9. The only reason your pet is alive is because it tells you what it needs.

Seriously, every single plant you have had decided to own in the spur of the moment has died. The only reason your dog or whatever is alive, is because it reminds you by either being extremely annoying or loud that it is hungry, thirsty, or needs to pee.

10. You have about 16,000 different types of handwriting depending on what is going on in your brain.

Usually when you are writing something down, it depends on how fast your brain is moving, how you’re feeling, what you are writing about and who you are writing to that affects the way it looks. For example, if you are taking notes in class, your writing shows up in the form of doodles or chicken scratch, but your handwriting on a note to a significant other looks very different.

11. Your only form of calm is multi-tasking.

There is never any type of calm in your brain if you are just sitting there watching television. You either must have your computer out, a drawing pad, folding some laundry or playing on your phone. It is simply the only way to calm your busy and scattered mind. It’s okay though, you’re not the only one! Featured photo credit: Longleat Maze- Jon Candy via flickr.com

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