How To Make Decisions From A Place Of Love Rather Than Fear

Ultimately, when it comes to choosing what we want to draw in or remove from our lives we either come from a place of fear or love. Fear makes us settle for something we don’t really want, buy things we don’t really need, stay in jobs we don’t really like, and remain in disempowering relationships. In other words, we continue to live smaller than our true potential. Making decisions from love and inner-knowing on the other hand, allows us to live more deep and fulfilling lives full of abundance and joy....

January 11, 2023 · 4 min · 719 words · Kimberly Staggs

How To Make Intelligent Baby

Prepare for Story Time! Although babies can’t understand the actual words, reading them a story will affect the way they feel about your voice, in fact – they’ll remember it. You should also know that language foundations develop in the womb, and around the third trimester your baby will be able to hear sounds and memorize them. Besides, it’s never too early to start sharing your favorite stories and fairy tales with your babe, so go on, get your favorite book and start reading....

January 11, 2023 · 4 min · 790 words · Anthony Ricketts

How To Make Your Resume Stand Out From The Crowd

If you can make your resume interesting and help it to stand out in the crowd, you are more likely to accomplish your goals of getting more interview calls. Most of the resumes are boring because they follow similar format and styles. Is there any way to spice up a boring resume and make it look more attractive to the recruiters? How can you make your resume stand out in a pile of resumes?...

January 11, 2023 · 3 min · 493 words · Theodore Nelson

How To Move Your Media Storage To The Cloud

This lesson is free for the first 7 days, after which; to subscribe to the lesson will cost only $1.99. All other lessons will cost $1.99 too.

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · 27 words · Antoinette Yeager

How To Muster Your Confidence And Tell Someone You Like Them

But hey, at least I give it a go, right? Taking that first step and telling someone that you want to be more than “just friends” is about as scary as it gets, and those heart-thumping moments before you open yourself up can be enough to make you turn on your heels and flee. Turning and fleeing aren’t conducive to a good relationship though (I’ve learned that), so here’s how to tell someone you like them in 12 simple steps....

January 11, 2023 · 6 min · 1258 words · James Cureton

How To Not Be A Phony

In a recent article by one of my favorite podcasters and developers, Scott Hanselman, the idea of being a phony was discussed. What Hanselman discusses is how people that have a lot to learn, particularly those in IT related fields, end up feeling like they know very little. In fact, people can internalize these feelings and think that they know nothing compared to other coworkers or others in their field....

January 11, 2023 · 4 min · 790 words · Vince Barrett

How To Plant A Butterfly Garden

Adult butterflies and moths have mouths similar to long, coiled tubes. This limits their food intake to liquids, which naturally includes nectar. Caterpillars, or butterfly larvae, have mouths that allow them to chew and skeletonize leaves. Butterflies lay eggs in groups or one at a time depending on the species. From the eggs tiny caterpillars emerge, who molt or shed their skin about five times before transforming into pupa. Adult butterflies emerge from the pupa after four days to two weeks....

January 11, 2023 · 2 min · 217 words · John Thrall

How To Post Uncropped Photos On Instagram With No Crop

By adding additional white space around the photo, No Crop enables users to take wider and more complete pictures without worrying whether Instagram will cut off the image. The app can be used after taking the photo or once they are loaded through Instagram. Obviously, adding white space will decrease the viewable area of the photograph, but many Instagram sufferers are more than willing to make the trade. This app is completely free and has good ratings on the app store so far....

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · 96 words · Matthew Lindell

How To Practice Active Listening A Step By Step Guide

Strong communication skills will help you succeed in business and will positively impact your personal relationships. On the other hand, poor communication can lead to a wide variety of challenges in all of your relationships. It’s a skill that can have a profound influence on nearly every phase of your life. While you might not immediately think of listening as a key component to communication, it really is. Half of all communication is listening....

January 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1734 words · Joann Williams

How To Provide Positive Feedback To Your Colleagues

However, providing positive feedback entails a lot more than just a pat on the back and saying, “good job.” In fact, positive feedback is woefully misunderstood and underused in today’s business culture. What is Positive Feedback? Positive feedback is feedback designed to reinforce a desired behavior. How does this differ from negative feedback? Negative feedback, instead of reinforcing, is designed to redirect an unwanted behavior. Here are two very simple examples: Negative feedback: “If you don’t start backing up your reports with more facts and analysis to support your opinion, we’ll get someone who can....

January 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1841 words · Betty Wilson

How To Read 52 Books In 52 Weeks And Save Yourself 21 000

Regardless, I wanted to share with you how to read 52 books in 52 weeks and why I feel like I saved myself 21,000 dollars in the process. So grab a drink (and by drink I mean water or coffee—it’s still early and there’s a good chance you’re at work), stay a while, and I hope you enjoy the read. Why even read 52 books in 52 weeks? Interesting little fact: I had never read a book in its entirety until I was 22 (I think) years old....

January 11, 2023 · 10 min · 1923 words · Claudia Pontiff

How To Read People S Minds During A Conflict At Work Or Home

You wonder, what’s their secret? It’s like they know what the other party is thinking and with a snap of their fingers, they’ve deescalated the situation. Unfortunately, not everyone automatically becomes an expert in handling conflicts. Furthermore, the people we encounter are all diverse – not one are the same. What could be offensive to a person may not be to another. To truly get to the bottom of the issue and resolve the conflict, you need to read between the lines, observe their actions, behaviours and listen more than you talk....

January 11, 2023 · 7 min · 1465 words · Emilio Halfhill

How To Relax Your Mind When Stressed The Simple Guide

Here we are going to look at why we have chronic stress, and then I’ll show you how to relax your mind with some simple practices. You’ll see for yourself that a peaceful mind is well within your reach, no matter how stressed out you may be. Benefits of Relaxing Your Mind The main benefit of relaxing your mind is that it relieves stress. By calming your mind, you’ll feel less overwhelmed by your emotions, which can make you feel like you’re losing control....

January 11, 2023 · 8 min · 1638 words · Helen Hill

How To Save Battery Life By Disabling Background App Refresh In Ios 7

If you’re having trouble keeping your iDevice charged throughout the day, try disabling background app refresh to give your battery a chance. Check out the video below posted to YouTubve by NirmalTV for more information. Fast forward to 1:45 to learn how to disable the feature entirely or to simply pick and choose which apps can run in the background. Make sure to share this info with anyone you know with an iPad or iPhone....

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · 93 words · Joanne Lucas

How To Spot An Unfaithful Spouse

Her Mannerisms: If you notice these signs, the first thing you have to decide is do you really want to know. If you decide you do want to know, you must decide what you want to do about it. Do you want to try and work things out? Do you want to seek counseling? Do you want to know why it happened? Can you deal with the knowledge that those who cheat once are more often to cheat again?...

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · 128 words · Joseph Thivierge

How To Start A Business Without Money

How to Start a Business without Money – [The Lazy Way to Success] What drove the growth of my business was the growth of my knowledge of ice cream. And what drove the growth of my knowledge of ice cream was my love for the stuff. When you start a business, what must lead the way should be your own interest in or love for whatever it is you want to do....

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · 106 words · Pasty Guerra

How To Steal The Spotlight At An Interview

Preparing for an Interview Getting yourself ready for the day of the interview is probably the most important part of the whole process. Most companies will give you approximately a week between the day they invite you and the day of the interview. This is to give you ample time to prepare yourself as they wish to see you at your best, and so don’t procrastinate – prepare! Rehearse Typical Questions Many interviewers will ask similar questions no matter what the field or sector, as they are looking for more personal views rather than expertise-based notions when looking to hire....

January 11, 2023 · 7 min · 1433 words · Lorena Mccoy

How To Stifle Your Creativity In 10 Easy Steps

How to Kill Creativity Divine Discontent Take Any Two From Four . . . Business Fundamentalism, One-track Minds and Magic Bullets Time for Innovation Speed, Simplicity, and Bad Choices Is Business Creative? Many Think It Is Not Adrian Savage is a writer, an Englishman, and a retired business executive, in that order. He lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can read his other articles at Slow Leadership, the site for everyone who wants to build a civilized place to work and bring back the taste, zest and satisfaction to leadership and life....

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · 106 words · Michael Bear

How To Style Your Hair If You Are Going Bald

But there is nothing wrong with being 50 unless you try to act like you are 25. We always have to change how we dress, think, and act as time passes on, and thinning hair is just another one of those moments. And while losing hair can hurt your confidence, remember that confidence comes from within you. It is better for you to face the facts on your missing hair than to feverishly deny what you and everyone else can see....

January 11, 2023 · 4 min · 781 words · Tommy Chauvin

How To Tell Someone S Personality From Their Signature

In today’s modern world, which is over run by quick communication capabilities–email, text, instant messages, group chats, social media posts and the lists goes on and ON –it is rare to find good-old-fashioned handwritten communication. We don’t even have to jot ourselves a quick reminder or manually add things to our calendar anymore thanks to apps that allow memos to be transcribed by merely speaking the command into our Smartphone or other device....

January 11, 2023 · 3 min · 615 words · Mark Goins