Positive parenting is a new way of parenting, that enables you to deal with the most frustrating and difficult situations in the life of a parent without losing your patience, screaming, or beating your child. Positive parenting is all about disciplining your child with patience and gentleness while maintaining your authority. The concept of positive parenting allows you to form a strong relationship with children, showing them that they are valuable and that you respect them. In turn, the child is going to respect and trust you, knowing you are not going to let him go, regardless the situation.

Stop screaming

Most parents become frustrated by their baby’s crying and they start raising their voices or even slap the child. This might get you reactions from adults but with kids it doesn’t work. By raising your voice you will only manage to get the child even more anxious. Regardless the age of the child, when he is screaming your only “weapon” is lowering your voice and speaking to him in a soft voice. This is going to help you calm down and your child. For older kids who can talk, addressing them in a soft voice is going to encourage them to share their discomfort, which will solve the problem.

Talk to your child

When a child is crying, he needs something. Since the time when we were born, crying is the primary way to communicate, so young kids are prone to cry when they want something, instead of talking. In order to calm down the child, talk to him and have patience. This will show the child that you do love him, even if the situation is not a pleasant one for you. This is going to build a strong sense of respect between you and the child. Even in the case of babies, talking can make wonders. Sometimes the baby just needs you, he needs to hear your voice and he needs to know you are there for him, so if the baby is crying try talking to him.

Practice patience

This is a strange method, but it’s going to help you and your child a lot, so try it on. Practice patience: each time you become frustrated and you feel that you can’t bear more of your child’s crying, count to ten, take a deep breath and visualize yourself in a relaxing place. This small break is going to calm you down and give you the power to carry on. The more you practice, the easier it will be for you to calm down your child and understand what his needs are.

Take some time out

There are moments when breathing and counting are just not enough, so you need a real break. Don’t blame yourself when you feel you need to take some time out because in the long run, it will benefit your child more than it would if you try to carry on as you are. If you have a baby, put him in his crib and open the sleep soothing machine or a noise machine, then leave him crying while you go to another room and take a 10 minute break. The womb is a noise environment, so you might find your baby is going to stop crying with help from the blank noises. If your kids are older it’s harder to keep them in one place, but do your best even if you have to lock them in their room for couple of minutes. When you are calm again, pick up the child and talk to him. You will see you will understand him easier when you have the power to be more patient. Parenting is not an easy job so if you still struggle with your kids, join supportive groups and check out what other mothers do. Share your experience and get insights from other parents; after all, it does take a village to raise a child, so don’t be afraid to learn from other parents. Featured photo credit: Unsplash via unsplash.com