Get the greatest health kick for each delicious bite with these 12 health food combinations!

1. Cancer Kicking Guacamole – Avocado & Tomatoes

Thank the Aztecs for guacamole. Not only did they create a tasty dip but also an elixir for good health. Tomatoes are packed with a cancer-kicking antioxidant called lycopene. Avocados boost the body’s absorption of lycopene, as well as simply being a supreme source of healthy fats. Together in guacamole, they double down on cancer-prevention power. It’s simple to make at home with three easy steps:

2. Healing Spice – Turmeric & Black Pepper

Turmeric is known as the healing spice thanks to an amazing antioxidant called curcumin. It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic! If you are sick or injured these properties will contribute to improved recovery speeds. It’s difficult for the body to fully absorb curcumin, but combine it with piperine from black pepper, and the bioavailability of curcumin skyrockets up to 1000 times! You can add this amazing spice of life to almost any dish that requires an extra kick. It’s a top choice for spicing up grilled chicken breasts!

3. Chocolatey Treat – Dark Chocolate & Apples

Yes, you heard right, chocolate apples can actually be healthy! Though not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate has lower sugar content and a higher concentration of antioxidant filled cocoa. This also includes catechin, a powerful heart function booster that exceeds the powers of green tea! Apple skins contain a wonderful flavonoid called quercetin. It’s highly anti-inflammatory and can even prevent blockages/clots in your arteries. Once paired up, these two will boost blood circulation and heart health in perfect harmony. When it comes to dessert time, dip a rosy red apple in dark chocolate guilt free!

4. Healthy Skin & Hair – Sweet Potato & Coconut Oil

Usually, chips and fries are considered devishly unhealthy snacks. But these sweet potato chips baked in coconut oil might actually improve your complexion! Sweet potatoes are a highly nutritious slow-release carbohydrate. They are also bursting with Vitamin A, essential for hair and skin maintenance. Since it’s fat soluble, the absorption is greatly enhanced when taken with a fat source. So coconut oil is an ideal candidate as a natural fat source. Snack your way to silky hair and smooth skin sweet chips by making these at home:

5. Muscle Growth Toast – Wholemeal Bread & Peanut Butter

Eating large amounts of a single protein source may seem ample for muscle recovery, yet recent research indicates otherwise. Since the body can only digest and absorb a certain amount of nutrients, stacking them up isn’t that effective. Instead, look for proteins that complement each other and increase bioavailability. For example, the amino acid profiles of peanut butter and wholemeal bread match up perfectly. With a completed spectrum, protein synthesis can be increased by as much as 50%! So for a convenient hit of protein, go for thick sliced bread with a generous spread of peanut butter!

6. Super Antioxidants – Lemon & Green Tea

To cover the all extraordinary benefits of drinking green tea, it would require an entire article. It’s widely recognized as rich in brain and body boosting antioxidants, making an ideal coffee replacement. But here is a little-known secret, you can maximize your absorption of these amazing nutrients with lemon. The potent shot of vitamin C multiples your body’s intake of heart preserving catechin by 5 times! Supercharge your green tea with fresh sliced lemon, or squeeze in the juice for the best results!

7. Workout Recovery – Bananas & Yogurt

To build muscle effectively, you need to allow ample recovery time between workouts. However, you can use certain foods to speed up bodily recovery, allowing you to train frequently and effectively. Bananas are an athlete’s prime choice of carbohydrate, rich in amino acids and glucose. All of these nutrients are vital for muscle repair, but their absorption can be doubled by the presence of zinc. Yogurt happens to be a rich source of this mineral, perfect for doubling up your muscle fuel. Fortify your body’s recovery by slicing up a banana or two in a bowl of yogurt.

8. All Day Energy – Oatmeal & Orange Juice

Oatmeal is already an awesome source of morning energy and the essential mineral iron. It reinforces oxygen transportation, boosting both muscle and brain function. Our bodies cannot easily absorb iron from a plant-based source such as oatmeal. However, in the presence of Vitamin C absorption is up to 6 times more effective. An absolutely abundant source is freshly squeezed orange juice. So, maximize the energy kick from your morning oatmeal with a glass of orange juice!

9. Bone Strengthening – Asparagus & Parmesan

Asparagus is a potent green vegetable, it’s packed with healthy nutrients and fiber. Inulin, in particular, helps the body to balance levels of good bacteria. On the other hand, Parmesan cheese is an ideal source for bone-toughening calcium. Boil, grill or fry up some asparagus, then top it off with plenty of grated Parmesan. Your bones and teeth will thank you for it!

10. Fast Protein Delivery – Eggs & Ginger

A champion’s breakfast would not be complete without eggs. They provide healthy fats and protein, making them great for muscle recovery and growth. This makes them ideal for waking up the body and priming it for recovery or performance. When ingested, ginger stimulates minor contractions in your stomach muscles. This boosts protein digestion and speeds the absorption process in the intestines. Thus, essential nutrients and protein are available for the body to use quicker. Cook up your eggs up any way you like, just make sure you add sliced ginger to shuttle protein into your body!

11. Juicy Steak Perfection – Steak & Rosemary

For the die-hard meat lovers amongst us, there is nothing more satisfy than grilling up a steak. It’s a prime chunk of protein and fat, but as an animal based source, it is not without downsides. Grilling and flaming will produce carcinogens in red meat, specifically, HCAs, that can contribute to cancer. Thankfully, these risks can be mitigated by using a handful of rosemary. It’s full of antioxidants, rosmarinic and carnosic acid. When it is added to a meal, HCA absorption is reduced to minimal levels. So next time you fancy a juicy steak, be sure to spice it up with delightful rosemary!

12. Heart Health Booster – Salmon & Garlic

Cholesterol levels have long been linked with heart health. Further research now points toward the balance of healthy HDL and unhealthy LDL. Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. It helps balance the cholesterol scale favorably and significantly boosts heart function. Garlic’s strong taste also brings protection against infection, reduces blood pressure, total cholesterol, and contributes to the prevention of blood clots. For a delicious meal that bolsters your heart health, grill up a salmon steak and marinate it with a pinch of garlic!

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