There is an insurmountable beauty in children. They are innocent, untamed, and just the way they are. They have no facade, no pretense, or no shame. They have no apologies, regrets, or evil. They simply do what their hearts say or tell them to do. And as innocent as they are, they do just exactly that. All children have is this witty, jovial, and free nature that many of us lack. What if we adults were more like this? Just experiencing life simply on its terms, just letting it be.I feel more adults should act child-like as it keeps their innocent intact, providing them with true happiness, as well as simplicity. It has so many benefits that can provide you with a life long of happiness, tranquility, and composure. So how can you remain childlike forever? Just follow this advice:

1. Always Act Like a Child

Celebrate like a kid would. When you are happy, your whole face shows it. Smile whenever you get the chance or opportunity. Life is too short for worries, troubles, and fights. Be the person you were meant to be. Always enjoy the little moments in life. Whenever you will, you will feel like a child at any given opportunity. Children wake up each morning looking forward to the day and see opportunity in everything. For example, when you get off from work because of inclement weather celebrate like there is no tomorrow. Days like this don’t always come so seize the opportunity.

2. Don’t Let People Tell You “Be More Mature!”

If others tell you “grow up” or mature, don’t heed acting like your child-like self. You are you not them. Don’t try to be like them either. Be only yourself. Nobody should tell you to start acting more mature because you are who you are for a reason. You are not someone else and can act the way you want, whenever you want. As always, do what your heart tells you. The heart forever remains child-like whether we choose to grow up or not.

3. Hold On To Innocence

Always hold on to your innocence, no matter how selfish people may act around you. Innocence can have no price tag placed on it. It is something that is cherished and should be cherished more often. It keeps our bodies, hearts, and minds pure from all of the negativity the world throws at us. It gives us reason to be ourselves, without nagging, criticism, or skepticism.It is something that is so beautiful and pure that cannot be described in mere words. It truly is something that is essential in becoming child-like as all kids are innocent and pure. Cynicism is only something we acquire through life experience.

4. Laugh often

Laugh at every opportunity you can get. Life is too short for chances. So, make the most of them and use laughter as the best medicine to act like a child for the rest of your life. Seize every chance you get to laugh till your stomach hurts forever and ever. You will be thankful for laughter is the best medicine. (It also lengthens your life)!

5. Simplicity is key

Don’t get caught up in lies, false statements, and clever tricks. Be the person, simple, innocent, child you truly are. Don’t try outwitting people or beating them at various things. Just act in simplicity and you will live a life of laughter. Eventually, these people will get their due but it won’t be because you wasted your time worrying about them.

6. Stop over-thinking

When we over-think we needlessly stress out our minds and bodies. Don’t drain your mind of the energy when you will need later on for more important things. Over-thinking only leads to negativity and doubts. It does no one good. Just trust your instincts and never over-think. It just hurts you and the people around you. Kids never over-think. At times, they don’t even think when they should be thinking.

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