Recent studies done in Windsor University in Canada discovered that the dandelion root might be particularly efficient in healing and or even preventing cancer, much more than the immune system-destroying chemotherapy. Particularly, as mentioned by the university in the press release, the researchers are extremely confident that they have discovered the proper dosage of extract for effective cancer treatment. They are planning clinical trials using a specifically developed dandelion tea. Dr. Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist and the leader of the Research at the Windsor University, along with his other researchers, have demonstrated effectively in the laboratory just how dandelion root extracts affect cancer cells, deals with apoptosis or even cell suicide while leaving the healthy cells undamaged. “This specific is excellent news.” said Pandey” We have been awaiting this particular declaration for a very long time and also right now this is authentic.”

Destroyed almost all cancer cells in 2 days

The February 2015 statement holds a unique significance for the project that had been devoted to the memory of Kevin Couvillon, who died after a three-year struggle with severe myeloid leukemia in Nov 2010. The next year, his parents Dave with Donna Couvillon gave a big contribution to Doctor Pandey’s research for the organic extracts and probable cancer treatment. “We highly sense that Kevin will want all of us to carry on combating cancer to ensure that other people will be able to escape this type of cruel fate,” Donna Couvillon said. “Natural medicine enables a person’s personal immune system to be part of the curing procedure, and we all wholeheartedly assist this particular endeavor and also the outstanding research made by this exact team.” The dandelion root formulation used in the Pandey’s Lab is about 5 times more focused compared to the extracts which can be bought above the counter. It continues to be tested to defeat cancer cells of pancreatic, melanoma, leukemia in the lab mice. Oncologist “Caroline Hamm” at WRCC (Windsor Regional Cancer Center), created a program to the Health Canada in 2012 to check out human clinical trials. “It is massive; this happens to be a huge accomplishment“ claims Dave Couvillon. “To see it taking place is the very first step. Right now we are keeping our fingers crossed so that we may get the appropriate outcomes. The University of Windsor’s website for Dandelion Root Project describes their experience as follows: At the beginning of this particular project, we were capable of effectively evaluating the impact of dandelion root extract on numerous cancer cells in the laboratory. We noticed the effective opposition to pancreatic and also colon cancers, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, human being’s leukemia (T-cell), without any level of toxicity to the noncancer cells. All these efficacy researches happen to be tested in the models of animal (mice), and the same is expected of human cells with colon cancer.Clinical trials have been started for thirty patients, almost all of whom have experienced all kinds of cancer therapy options.

Health Benefits of Dandelion

Dandelions has got some other health advantages too. Dandelion greens consist of essential minerals and vitamins like potassium, manganese, magnesium, folate, iron, calcium, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamin B6. They contribute nearly 535% of recommended everyday consumption of the vitamin K, above 110% of the recommended daily consumption of the vitamin A. It contains flavonoids like cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin which have got specific healing properties. Zeaxanthin appears to protect the retina while facing sun’s UV rays and the cryptoxanthin may protect the body from the growth of lung and mouth cancer. Featured photo credit: shutterstock via