Check out 10 thoughts that you need to say goodbye to so that you can focus on self-improvement.

1. “It’s too late to do anything about it now.”

Whether you are 16 or 60, you can always change and improve. Often inner peace and strength are gained through a lifetime of learning, and these skills can completely change your outlook on life. Remember that you are a work In progress; don’t tell the painter to stop painting before the masterpiece is done!

2. “None of this is my fault, it’s their fault.”

It is very easy to blame others for everything, because you don’t have to do anything yourself. You don’t have to change or improve – so more than anything, you won’t grow. Accept responsibility for your mistakes so that you can improve your life and find happiness.

3. “If only I was funnier and smarter.”

Not being comfortable with who you are can ruin your self-esteem. Every single person on Earth has flaws – the best method is to embrace your flaws and focus on being true to who you really are. You may you wish you were funnier, but to your friends you may be one of the funniest people that they know.

4. “I wish today was over.”

Sometimes you will do something that feels like a waste of time, but later turns out to be one of the best decisions you ever made. Do not wish your days away – you never know when the next amazing thing will happen, so throw yourself into experiencing and enjoying every day.

5. “I need their approval.”

Unless you are at work, it is very rare that you actually need anyone’s approval to do anything. Many people throw away their life goals and dreams because it may bother their parents or partner, but this can be a terrible mistake. They may not see your point of view now, but that doesn’t mean that your point of view doesn’t exist.

6. “I want to be comfortable – being uncomfortable is scary.”

Outside of the comfort zone is where great things happen. Say goodbye to this thought by taking risks and putting yourself out there will help you to reach your full potential and to grow as a person.

7. “I want to avoid all pain.”

It is impossible to live a life without sadness. Humans learn strength through pain and struggle, which allows us to become better versions of ourselves. If you are afraid of emotional pain, remember that it is difficult to enjoy happiness without also experiencing sadness.

8. “My thoughts aren’t that important.”

You will spend much of your life convincing others that your thoughts are important and relevant – if you don’t believe it, how will you convince others? Say what matters to you and let it all out! Say goodbye to this thought by believing in your thoughts, and remembering that they are just as important as everyone else’s.

9. “It is too hard.”

You will experience dizzying highs and crashing lows during yourself. There is nothing that you can do to avoid hard times, but you can choose to not give up and to keep fighting when they do happen. Hold your head high and remember that there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel – it is just up to you to find that light.

10. “I have lost too much to continue.”

One perspective; I have lose everything and it is awful. Another perspective; now I have nothing, I am truly free to try anything without the chance of losing everything. Life is all about your mind-set; if you choose to be pessimistic and fearful, your choices will be limited. Say goodbye to this thought by choosing to be strong and brave, opening up endless possibilities.  Good luck!