1. From Ancient Times to the Latest Technologies

After humans started to walk straight and developed social skills they also began to create music. Of course, their instruments were nothing more than pieces of carved wood. This is how music started to play an important role in the history of humanity, especially because it was able to break the barriers of language – studies showed that humans around the world react the same way to music! For example, certain types of music can increase your focus, regardless your cultural background and personal beliefs. As humanity advanced, music also evolved. Nowadays, music is both an art and a technology, as musicians now spend their time in recording studio and mix different sounds in order to make music. Neuroscience lately focused on how music can change your brain and discovered that sound waves can increase babies’ speaking skills. But there is more, so let’s see all the science-baked health benefits of music.

2. Musicians Have a Different Brain Structure

When you want to find out how music changes your brain, you look at professional singers, who spend their days singing and recording music in their studio. And between those, they play at least one instrument. Researchers also looked at musicians and studied their brain. Studies found that a musician’s brain is a lot more symmetrical. This is because music helps develop the two hemispheres equally. At the same time, a musician’s brain is more active in areas which control coordination, motor controls and, as expected, the visual and auditory areas in the brain. A specific part of the brain, thecorpus callosum, is more developed in musicians. All these changes in the brain, allows musicians to have a better memory, which makes sense, if you think how many lyrics they can remember. Musicians can solve problems easier and are more creative than most people.

3. Music Can Alter Your Mood

Without any study, each person knows that listening to his/her favorite song can make themself feel better. Now, scientists had proved this is a fact and showed us how is this possible. One of the biggest health benefits of music is the relief of stress. Music can relax you because it lowers the cortisol level in your blood. Cortisol is a hormone related to stress: the more cortisol you have in your blood, the more stressed you are. When you manage to lower your cortisol level, you are going to relax. Another study showed that listening to music improves your mood. There are also studies which prove that listening to music and singing can make you feel more powerful and can increase your confidence. The studies also showed that any type of music has health benefits. One study showed that sad music can help you heal your broken heart. Listening to music is therapeutic, so if you feel low, listen to music!

4. Music Can Help You Increase Productivity

On the list of health benefits of music there is also the enhancement of work performance. A study made on non-professionals showed that office workers who are allowed to listen to music of their own choice are more creative and productive, compared to those who don’t listen to music. Featured photo credit: Albumarium via albumarium.com