How Burning Sage Herb Works

Research has proven that burning sage removes a whopping 94% of bacteria in the air. When the researchers tested the air a day later, it was still clean. The best method for this is called “smudging.” You take a bunch of dried sage, twist it into a stick shape, then light one end of the “stick” on fire and then blow it out. The resulting smoke “smudges” the air in the room and the properties in the smoke kill most of the existing bacteria in the air. White sage is preferred and you can find sage burners for burning it. Unlike chemical air “purifiers” that only mask the smells in the air, sage is 100% natural and will not cause allergic reactions for people with scent sensitivities. It also smells great! The research found that the smoke needs about an hour to cleanse the air. So make sure you burn enough sage a couple to last that long. Though you can buy ready-made sage sticks, some people prefer to grow their own herbs for this practice. If you have the room to grow your own, try it out.

The Importance of Clean Air

There are many reasons why people are concerned about the air quality in their homes. The primary reason is health related. Poor air quality can cause:

asthma coughing respiratory infections headaches dizziness fatigue lung cancer heart problems

Don’t panic just yet! The chronic health issues mentioned happen as a result of long term exposure to polluted air. But, some of the health issues you or your family are currently experiencing could be a result of the poor air quality in your home. Burning sage is a cost effective and natural way to clean the air and put your worries to rest.