If you want to learn the ability to win any argument, there are just a few things that you have to do. Thankfully, they’re listed right here.

Have them explain their side.

A really good way to win an argument is to ask the opposing person to explain how their side of the argument can be brought to reality. Don’t just have them list a bunch of reasons why they are right. Have them actually explain, in detail, how their idea would be implemented. Make sure they explain the first steps they would take, all the way through the entire process. You will find that they really didn’t put that much thought into it after all.

Acknowledge their plan of attack, but not their conclusion.

If your opponent can explain how their idea would work, a good trick is to acknowledge the fact that they have thought it all out, but don’t agree with the conclusion. Tell them, “Its a good idea on paper, but it would never work in real life”.

Exaggerate your opponent’s proposition.

Do what you can to make what they are saying sound ridiculous to them. Chances are, they will begin to realize it and give up trying to argue their point. Also, by doing this, you will begin to generalize their proposition, making it easier to poke holes in their story, until it’s beyond repair.

Try to call their bluff.

A lot of times people who are taking a stand in an argument are probably doing so based on only a small number of facts. When you are in an argument, make a statement about what they are saying that is untrue, and try to see if they can actually pick up on it. If they don’t, call them out on it. If they were worth having the argument with, they should know their facts.

Point out the inconsistencies of their argument.

For example, if the person you are arguing with is stating that the company you both work for is a terrible company, respond by telling them to quit and go somewhere else to work. This person is just contradicting themselves, and is already fighting a losing argument.

Let your opponent get angry.

The more they get angry and worked up, the less logical their thinking becomes. Just remember to not get angry yourself! The calmer you stay, the more likely they will get worked up even more. Eventually, you’ll cause them to just give up on trying to make their point.

Don’t try to persuade them to take your side.

While this is most people’s goals in an argument, it never turns out the way you want it to. If you get into an argument with the pure intention to try to smooth talk your opponent to your side, you might as well just give up in the beginning. If you can stand strong, state your facts, and (somewhat) respect your opponent’s argument, you have a better chance at winning it.

Actually listen to what they are saying.

If you are just brushing off what they say, and going straight into your argument, your chances of walking away with a win are slim. After all, how are you able to take their points and disassemble them into pointless statements, if you don’t know what the hell they are actually saying? That is when the endless back and forth debates start happening. That is not what we want, right? Featured photo credit: Tall Tales/Kai Schreiber via flickr.com