Shelter dogs from the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter were paired up with some high schoolers from St. Joseph’s High School Cross-Country team on Thursday, August 4th. Each student was paired with a dog before heading out to complete their run. Their coach, Luis Escobar, said on Facebook ” I am not sure who was more excited and having the most fun…the dogs or the kids. Either way, it was a great time and I am sure we will do it again sometime soon.”

Just look at how much fun these lovable shelter dogs had! I’m sure these kids made their day. We can only hope that this becomes a school tradition, and more schools partake in this awesome activity. The amount of love these dogs get from the students (as well as faculty) would be phenomenal. Please, please remember: adopt, don’t shop.

Shelter Dogs Are Invited To Run With High School Students Every Day - 13