Because your unicorn girl is only yours, she is unique. Her uniqueness means that her specific traits cannot be listed, she cannot be defined. Remember, a unicorn girl is no cookie-cutter replica of anyone else. Everyone has his or her own unicorn girl or boy and it can be hard to track them down. For all you know, you’ve already met your unicorn girl. Not sure? Keep reading. We’re going to lay out some of the signs that you may have already met your special someone and you just don’t realize it yet. Trust us, you don’t want to go through your whole life wondering if you missed out on the opportunity to be with the perfect life partner. Can you imagine marrying the wrong person because you didn’t know how to spot your unicorn girl when she was right before your eyes? Don’t let that happen to you. Don’t let your life become full of “what could have been” doubts.

Signs You’ve Already Met the Unicorn Girl

Start thinking about some of your current relationships as you read over the signs. Anybody stick out to you?

1. The two of you can sit comfortably in silence.

You don’t feel the need to fill those awkward silences because there aren’t any. You are comfortable in each other’s company and that is all that matters.

2. You don’t feel pressured to impress your unicorn girl.

You are who you are and that includes your weaknesses. Your unicorn girl makes you feel comfortable enough to open up and share even the truths you have always tried to hard to hide from everyone else.

3. You can laugh at each other, at your jokes, and at the silly things you do.

Your unicorn girl makes you laugh even when you’re feeling down.

4. When the two of you argue or have a difference of opinion, you can let it go.

You know which things are important and which things aren’t worth dwelling on. Maybe your unicorn girl doesn’t like it when you leave the dirty dishes on the counter, but she’d rather enjoy the evening with you than make a big deal about it.

5. Your unicorn girl listens to you carefully.

She listens to you when you ramble on about random things, like your favorite candy. The next time you see her for movie night or a study session, she brings the candy she knows you love.

6. You smile more often because of your unicorn girl.

Having a bad day? Suddenly doesn’t seem so bad when you see her, right? When something happens to you, good or bad, she’s the first person you want to tell.

7. Your unicorn girl wants to know how you feel.

She doesn’t just ask to make small talk. Nope. She actually cares about your day, about your opinion on different topics, and about your general feelings and thoughts. And you like to tell her how you feel and, of course, you like to know about her thoughts and feelings as well.

8. She’s met your friends and she’s nice to them.

All of them. Even the ones who interrupt every 3 words and chew with their mouth open. She tries to get to know them and she does it for you.

9. Your unicorn girl helps you be a better version of yourself.

She pushes you to the limit without trying to add stress to your day. That’s because she sees you for who you really are and knows what you’re capable of doing.

10. You think of her every waking second.

You wonder how she slept, if she’s having a good day, if she stopped for her favorite coffee in the morning, and if she’s going to text you during lunch hour. Not a moment goes by that your unicorn girl isn’t on your mind. Any of these sound familiar? If so, you’re one of the luckiest people in the world. Don’t let that unicorn girl slip away.