Emotional humans are often the sensitive ones. The ones who cry a little sooner in the cinema than everyone else, the ones that are perhaps wounded by a boss’s comment or a friends jokes that go a little too far. But you’re also the ones that see things that others don’t. You’re the ones that notice when somebody is feeling sad when everyone else just keeps going about their business. You’re the ones that run out into the pouring rain to bring in the freezing cold family dog! Yes, you might act emotionally before you think logically, but there are some things about being this kind of person that, actually, are not so bad at all. Here’s a few. 

You’re very careful not to hurt people’s feelings

You understand what it feels like to have hurt feelings. And the last thing you would want is for anyone else to experience it if they don’t necessarily have to. It might not be the easiest thing, or even the most rational thing, to try and abstain from hurting a persons feelings. Sometimes it happens and it’s not our fault, and wasn’t our intention. But it is a very kind thing that you try so hard to not have another human being feel hurt, particularly not by you.

Memories are very important to you and sometimes you dwell on it too much

You have a tendency to think about the past and worry about the future. And while mindfulness is a wonderful approach and perhaps solution for this, the fact that you think so much on things does make you a pretty thoughtful person. Things that happened in your life that hold meaning are very special to you. Certain people and places and times can hold innate significance and that is pretty beautiful, and powerful! Just try to remember not to dwell too much on things if it isn’t particularly good for you. It’s always important to live in the present moment, so we can enjoy that too.

To you happiness gets a higher priority than success

Some people will do anything to get to the top. They’ll put themselves first, before their families or friends, before anything. And sometimes it’s only when they reach the top that they realize they aren’t particularly happier for having reached their destination. You don’t put success first. Your priority is happiness, and love, and care. Just be mindful that success can be a big factor in happiness. It’s important to have goals and feel like they are succeeding.

You’re not afraid to make mistakes

As someone who is pretty in tune with their emotions, you know that it is fairly human to make mistakes. You’ve made many before, everybody has. You are not afraid to get it wrong because you understand emotionally that this is part of life. When we act on our emotions we might get burned by our choices, yes. But we also will have had an experience, and perhaps a really great one.

You care more about feelings than reasons

You are a good friend and a good human to be in somebody’s life because you understand the importance of how we feel. Everybody has feelings! You care about feelings and the part they play in everything that we do. We could write a list of all the reasons we should or should do something, but you care more about our personal investment, you follow your heart rather than the rules. It might not always lead to where you hope it will, but at least you have a true reason for heading down that certain path. Featured photo credit: Picjumbo via picjumbo.com