1. You are going to eat less

Once the numbers are flashed right before your eyes, you will become more conscious of them and eat less food. You would not want the numbers to rise. That is why every food that you consume comes with some consciousness on how it will affect your weight. The simple task of jotting down the amount of food intake, body weight, and duration of exercise done, will have a big effect on your overall performance.

2. More energy for exercise

Once you start recording your progress, you will see the effects of what you are doing out of exercise and diet, and you will feel more motivated to do more. This should not surprise anyone because it is part of human nature to get inspired once we enjoy the fruits of our labor. However, the downside to this strategy is that we become too complacent, and fail to maintain the work level needed for losing weight.

3. You are slowly rewarded for it

For most people, especially those who are obese, feel rewarded when they have noticed that they have dropped even just a pound. This does not mean that they have now reached their goals of being slim or fit, however they are assured that they are in the right direction because of the fat monitoring that they do. They may not see the effects when they look at themselves in the mirror, but they know that they weigh less this time around than the last time they faced the mirror.

4. The goal of losing weight seems easier to achieve

When you use statistics as your foundation, the target weight you are trying to reach becomes much easier to achieve, because you can keep track of your progress. If you suffer setbacks, then you know how to get back up, because the numbers are there to remind you of having reached your milestone goals.

5. Everything becomes a game you are trying to win

If you are a competitive person, this would be helpful for you. With statistics as the basis of your progress or regress, your entire weight loss program becomes a game that you are trying to win. In addition to work and sacrifices that you put into it, you have fun because you see the numbers changing to your advantage.

6. Statistics give you flexibility

Now that you completely understand how the numbers go up and down depending on the amount of work you put in the gym, and the amount of food that you consume, you are able to assess your weight loss program based on your time and effort. You can skip a few gym sessions. If you know the number of hours that you need, you can work overtime later to compensate for any absences. You can also choose to have a cheat day in your diet because you already know the right diet that you need to practice in the future.

7. You can be more flexible about what, when, and how much you eat

Tracking your food intake and exercise levels allows you to budget your time, calories, and food choices with greater flexibility, which can help you lose weight. Studies have shown that flexible dieters — those who are able to make small adjustments to their eating habits when necessary– are more successful than those who attempt to stick to stringent rules. Featured photo credit: 182nd Airlift Wing via flickr.com