1. People before profit

Compare the conniving salesman who pressures you to buy that pricey item you clearly don’t need with a salesman who seeks your interests in picking a more relevant and economical product. It’s obvious which one you will keep going back to! It goes without saying that any real business must be profitable (i.e. the bottom line). However, many businesses and individuals make a huge mistake when they fail to value every relationship in their line of work–clients and company personnel alike. When you or your business decide to do this, you will be noticed, promoted and become even more profitable!

2. Quality isn’t expensive

The flip side of “people before profit” also means you care about the service or product you are supplying and, if you’re employed, your boss too! It means you aim for excellence, which might often be overlooked but is crucial for the success of any business or career. You can’t beat the reputation you build because of high quality work you produce. Indeed, neglecting quality is the expensive option.

3. Lead your people

Leadership is in extremely short supply everywhere you go. When you decide to be a good leader, whether you are leading a team of 500, your family or just the cat at home, things change for good–always. Leading is the very opposite of reacting. When you decide to lead, you will stand out as being different. That initiative you show is what will take your company,and your career, forward.

4. Embrace failure

Nothing great is ever achieved by those who fear failure. That is true of any area in life, whether it’s about the courage to ask the love of your life to marry you or taking your company to completely uncharted territory. Failure is perhaps one of the greatest teachers we can learn from, especially when we make sure to bring along perseverance to the party. This has got to be one of the most seemingly counter-intuitive secrets of success out there; befriending failure gets you on the fast-lane to success!

5. Make everything better

Ever heard this one, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? That right there is the ingredient for mediocrity and losing out big time, especially when competition is the name of the game in your business (and which business isn’t competitive, really?). You need to always improve your domain, your work, your job even if it’s working out fine the way it’s been done for years. You will need to watch out; people generally hate change–especially when it seems like they will have to work more–so you will have to employ a lot of tact, diplomacy, persuasion and sensitivity in such situations. But if it’s just you in the picture, what are you waiting for?

6. Enjoy life; enjoy success

Many people think success is about being profitable. As we have seen, it clearly isn’t. If you want success in your job or business, then strive for success outside of work. You may know someone who seems to have it all but is never happy or satisfied. Stress and sadness can really kill. So never lose sight of the most fundamental aspects of life: love, health, and joy. There is not a single cent out there that is worth sacrificing those things for. Featured photo credit: Negative Space via unsplash.com