Knowing how to fix a tie properly is essential to modern living. Even if you don’t wear a tie to work everyday, chances are you will attend events that require the formal fashion tool. The funny thing is, most men don’t know the basic tie knots. Many act like they do, but when it comes time to fix one’s tie, they rely on other people or wing it. No can do. The infographic above can be displayed or saved for future viewing. It serves as a quick reference for individuals who don’t have time to waste in creating the perfect tie knot. Contrary to popular belief, the diagram above is also ideal for women. These days, women also wear ties with their flashy outfits. Though not a staple fashion accessory, women who are able to extend their skills in fixing a proper tie can impress their friends and dates. How To Wear Your Tie With Style |

Stay Classy By Using These Unique And Flashy Tie Knots - 74