Here are some great tips to help you ensure your hair makes a solid impression in your place of business. Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, these tips will help you keep your hairstyle professional and workplace-appropriate.

Styling Your Long Hair In The Workplace

Many professional women keep their hair shorter, since long hair can be distracting and time-consuming. When negative habits are formed, it can also cause these professional women to appear less professional.

If your hair is long, avoid playing with it or touching it. Doing so makes you appear youthful and immature, which can adversely affect your credibility and sense of authority. It’s one thing to tie it up, but twirling it or continuing to fuss with it may impact how others view you. Wearing your hair up will give a sense of authority. If you must make a presentation or attend an important meeting, it’s best to wear your hair up in a bun or sleek ponytail. This will make you appear more serious, strong, and credible. Long hair is fine when you are younger, but older women should consider cutting their hair. While there are exceptions to this rule, most older women are aged by longer hair. This is because the long hair, especially when it is styled into layers that frame the face, call attention to aging facial features. If you are 45+ years old, it’s best to either cut your hair or wear it up whenever you are in the workplace.

Styling Your Short Hair In The Workplace

Women with short hair are generally seen as confident, self-assured, and capable. These are all great traits to have within a place of business, and would likely add to your standing on the corporate ladder.

Short, but not superstyled, is the way to go. A woman who shows up for a corporate position with an overstyled ‘do will be perceived as high maintenance, finicky, and as someone who wastes time on things other than work. Keep your curls short and tight. If your hair is curly, keep your curls cropped close and tight. This will make you appear more professional and less youthful and wild. Bobs are the best option. Stacked bobs give a youthful appearance, let your personality shine through, and still look professional. They involve less upkeep and do not give the sense of fussiness. If your hair is incredibly short, or you are dealing other issues that prevent your hair from looking styled, wigs are a great option. Wigs have come a long way over the years, and many of the top-of-the-line options look completely natural.

Dying Your Hair

One of the most popular ways women express their individualism and personality is to dye their hair whichever color appeals to them most. While it can be fun to sport some lavender locks, your manager and/or clients may frown upon it. In most professional settings, having your hair an unnatural color is considered inappropriate.

Going blonde or brunette can be a great move within the workplace. If you choose to go blonde, opting for a bold shade is suitable for a creative profession. A more natural shade of blonde is best for conservative offices. Take care to ensure your roots are not showing. Get your hair dyed professionally and keep up with your growth. It looks unprofessional to have your roots showing and makes you look sloppy. If you cannot keep up with your own hair, why should a client trust you to take care of their business needs?

Extensions and Accessories

Your hair says a lot about you, as do the accessories you choose to adorn it with.

In a conservative place of business, keep your accessories neutral. You don’t want to be distracting yourself or others with jingly, sparkly, or otherwise “loud” hair accessories. A simple clip or ponytail holder should suffice. Investing in some quality styling tools will make a world of difference in your appearance. Using inferior products can often lead to your hair reflecting that. If you do not take pride in your appearance, clients may doubt you take pride in your business. Extensions are great for giving your hair a natural, styled appearance. If you are going to go with extensions, find some that are natural and will not damage your hair. These will offer versatility, but will not do damage to your locks. As a bonus, the more natural your hair looks, the more professional you will come across to others.

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