1. Google

Not only does Google consistently make the list of the best employers on the planet, but having the corporation name on your resume will do wonders if you decide to leave. Of course, why would you? Google offers so many perks including complimentary gourmet snacks 24/7, pooches that are welcomed with open arms and health benefits for new moms that it would be silly to simply get up and leave without a darn good reason.

2. Citrix

Software can be an exciting industry, especially when you’re working for a place like Citrix. Employees can have the freedom to move around the campus and switch workspaces as they need. Not only does this foster creativity, but it allows them to keep from getting bored. Citrix has also regularly shown a propensity for being on the cutting edge of modern workplace design trends. Foosball, anyone?

3. Procter and Gamble (P&G)

Located in the Midwest, P&G is known for its niceness to personnel. Some workers can even do their jobs from their homes, at least part time. Managerial training is a help for persons who want to further their careers but on someone else’s dime! At the holidays, it’s reputed that everyone who works at P&G gets a big box of brand-name goodies. That’s a gift that’s definitely useful!

4. Disney

Disney is more than Disney World or Disney Land; it’s a total philosophy of fun, adventure and excitement. You can work for Disney almost anywhere around the globe, because the company has centers on almost every continent. No matter where you’re located, you can expect to get the benefits that come with working for Disney, such as Theme Park admissions, free food and sneak previews of the latest upcoming attractions! There’s nothing goofy about that!

5. Apple

We certainly couldn’t leave out Apple on a top 20 places to work list! Steve Jobs may no longer be at the head of this megalithic corporation, but his legacy lives on. Word on the street has it that when you become an Apple employee, you get the advantage of being able to push yourself to new levels of success. Apple has high standards, so slackers beware: This is a company where determination will pay off, and coworkers have a reason to collaborate.

6. Wegmans

Who would have thought that a supermarket would make the top places that individuals want to work? It turns out that Wegmans treats its people the right way. From full benefits for part-time workers to scholarships for those going back to school, Wegmans has a strategy of bettering everyone who steps through their doors.

7. Chevron

As one of the leading gas suppliers, Chevron is a household name. It’s also a great employer. One of the biggest perks is that they truly focus on work/life balance. That’s why the benefits packages are comprehensive, whether you want to find the best specialist or just connect with a different general physician.

8. Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A is a terrific story of a small company that made huge advances over the years without giving in to pressures to change. Not only does the company stand by its policy that restaurants shouldn’t be open on Sundays, but it encourages all employees to continuously give back to their communities. Employees site flexible working hours and internal promotion opportunities as reasons to definitely stay with this business.

9. Facebook

You knew it wouldn’t be long before a social media giant was added to this listing! Facebook boasts as cool a working environment as you’d expect. First, everyone is ALLOWED to be on social media! After all, it’s part of the business. Free bikes take employees around to the different areas, there are no private offices and the whole campus is like a little city with restaurants, dry cleaners, etc. Be amazed and work for the best at Facebook while being your best. As they say on the company’s careers page: “We don’t have rules. We have values.”

10. Twitter

Not to be outdone by its social media competition, Twitter is also in the running as an awesome place to call your home-away-from-home. Oh, and if you feel like taking a vacation, just do it. They don’t record how much time you need. #SeriouslyCoolPlace.

11. Bain & Company

If you haven’t heard of Bain & Company before, you need to pay attention. Bain is a consulting company whose workers appreciate that they are more than just cogs in a wheel. Their achievements become part of the company’s legacy, and they are truly thanked for what they do with excellent salaries. It’s especially liked among female employees who feel that they are well-represented and their unique desires and needs are understood.

12. WebpageFX

This is another example of a small company that’s on an enormous growth trajectory. Over the past few years, WebpageFX has taken the world of web development and marketing by storm. Employees get to dress casually, take advantage of flex hours, and work in an ultra-hip office space. Bonuses are made available, and humor is always on the menu!

13. LinkedIn

  Want to drive a scooter in or even around your workplace? Snag a job at LinkedIn! There, your workload will be offset with cube decorating contests, impromptu jokes with super-smart colleagues and fundraising events sponsored by the company. It seems that LinkedIn has a philosophy akin to “work hard, play hard.”  

14. Mayo Clinic

For people who desire to make a difference every single day, the Mayo Clinic offers the ideal working atmosphere. There, careers seem to change lives. Anyone who is truly fond of research and science can’t help but become well-rounded and better educated when employed at the Mayo Clinic.

15. eBay

eBay has been around for quite some time, but make no mistake: It’s as progressive a company as any other. Some of the locations even offer free oil changes and dry cleaning pick up and drop off! That’s definitely conducive to some happy balance between working and home life.

16. National Instruments

Are you craving a workplace in the tech and manufacturing realm that doesn’t treat you as if you’re a number? National Instruments wins kudos from employees every year because of its desire to make sure its people are working on projects they care about. The word “fun” seems to come up quite a bit when workers discuss their experiences with National Instruments… and that’s always a positive sign!

17. CareerBuilder

As its name implies, CareerBuilder is more than a place to go for 8-9 hours a day. It’s a place to make a mark. The executive team is big on training, so you can expect to learn as much as you can while you’re a worker. A $400 reimbursement for wellness, including gym memberships, will keep you physically fit. Oh, and if you hit the numbers assigned to you, an all-expense-paid trip may be yours!

18. Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans might be a pretty big corporation, but it doesn’t forget the little guys and gals who are at the heart of the company. From barbeques to free tickets to sports games, it’s a good time to be working for Quicken! Additionally, if you refer a customer to the company, you’ll get a nice bonus in your paycheck!

19. Ultimate Software

It’s hard to miss the rows of icons stating that Ultimate Software has won awards as a top employer year after year. And no wonder – their health insurance coverage even extends to same sex partners, they have massages onsite and you might have the chance to win in an inter-departmental bowling challenge!

20. Zappos.com

Rounding out the top 20 most enjoyable companies to work for is Zappos.com. Zappos considers its team members to be a part of the family, and they treat every day like a celebration.  This means there’s no dearth of enjoyment to be had when you’re going to work. In fact, it might feel more like going to an amusement park. As one employee said quite succinctly, the company culture was “perfect”. ‘Nuff said. Now it’s time to beef up your resume, go buy a new interview outfit and hitch your wagon to a star employer! Featured photo credit: Kevin Krejci via flickr.com

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