1. The working world is changing.

In today’s world, we can connect instantaneously with people around the globe online. It is now possible to work with clients from anywhere every day as a coach. Coaching appeals to people who want to serve others, potentially all around the world, without actually having to travel to see their clients frequently. Also, unlike building a traditional brick-and-mortar business with high overhead, the costs to start a coaching business are very little, since most of the costs are digital. Many workers today crave work-life balance, and fulfillment in their careers, and being a coach can provide both. Coaches can schedule clients at their convenience, and truly own their time, which is a luxury most people only dream of having. Coaches can continue to learn and grow in their careers as they continually improve their techniques and increase their expertise in their niche.

2. Being a coach gives you amazing freedom.

Living a laptop lifestyle career gives coaches awesome freedom. This lifestyle is enticing to people who don’t want to be chained to a cubical. Coaches choose the clients they serve, and can market their services only to their ideal clients. Coaches can decide how heavy of a workload to take on at any given time. As a coach, you can choose the hours you set your appointments. You can build a wonderful career and still be very present for the other important areas in your life. You can choose the niche you focus on and design your coaching business the way you want it to be.

3. Coaches set their own income levels.

The hourly rates of coaches vary widely, but coaches can set their own rates, and the more clients they help, the more money they make. Coaches have no ceiling on their income level, unlike workers in many other career fields. Also, some coaches leverage their time by working with clients in group settings instead of just one-on-one. By helping clients in a group setting, the coach can serve more clients, and clients get the benefit of camaraderie and learning from each other.

4. The awareness of coaching is increasing.

The awareness of the incredible value of coaching is significantly increasing. People are realizing the importance of having a coach, not only for business purposes, but for other areas in their lives too. Through social media and the Internet, coaches are able to market their services to people all over the globe, which has increased awareness of the coaching profession.

5. There is a huge variety of coaching niches.

There are many niche markets for coaching. There are fitness coaches, nutrition coaches, dating coaches, marriage coaches, parenting coaches, marketing coaches, executive coaches, leadership coaches, business launch coaches—and that’s just the start. As more and more people are realizing the value of coaching, they are hiring coaches to help them not only in their careers, but for a variety of reasons in their personal lives. Everyone wants to improve at something. Coaching is incredibly fulfilling. By being a coach, you can help people reach their goals, which is very satisfying. You will help people have amazing breakthroughs in their lives, and your work can make a long-lasting impact. You will continually learn and grow as you work with clients and and you can build a freedom-based career. If you have a passion for empowering others, strong communication skills, expertise in a niche you enjoy, and long to do work that matters, the coaching profession is worth checking into. Featured photo credit: https://flickr.com / Natasha d.H via flickr.com