I have good news for you: there’s something you can do to accomplish all these things and more. Keep reading to find out seven ways to improve yourself and your life starting today.

1. Roll with the punches.

One thing’s certain in this life: you’re gonna get hit. So brace yourself, take the punch, and move on. Stop sweating the small stuff. All the bad things in your life happened for a reason. Use them for motivation. Let go of the past because what happened to you yesterday doesn’t affect who you are today. Accept that this is exactly where you’re supposed to be at this very moment and everything that has happened to you is part of your journey.

2. Be a student of life.

Want to improve yourself today? You’re already doing it. Learning something new and seeking knowledge and wisdom is a key part of constantly improving. So keep seeking new knowledge and inspiration every day. Read books. Visit websites. Have conversations with smart friends and learn new stuff. Take up a new hobby. Never, ever stop learning and you’ll always keep improving yourself.

3. Take tiny steps.

Small steps often don’t seem like they’re getting you anywhere. But “small wins” are a proven way to accomplish all your goals in life. Let’s look at a common example: weight loss. The first steps are the hardest. Most overweight and obese people don’t take those all-important steps because the end goal seems so daunting. Yes, it’s going to be a lot of work. But if you never start, you’ll never get anywhere. To keep improving, you need to take small steps toward your goals every day—no matter how tiny those steps are. Just keep moving forward.

4. Choose a mentor.

There are countless ways to improve yourself by yourself, but getting a little help along the way can help you get better faster. Think about the people who have influenced your life. Maybe it’s your parents, a coach, or a boss. If you already have a mentor you talk to regularly for advice about your goals, that’s great. If not, make a list of the people you respect who have accomplished the things you want to accomplish and ask if you can pick their brain over coffee. Most successful people will be humbled and happy you asked for their advice.

5. Learn from your stumbles.

We all stumble and fall down. It’s what you do after you get up that determines how you progress in life. Failure sucks, but it’s absolutely necessary to creating valuable learning experiences. Stop playing it safe. Take risks, fail often and learn something every time you stumble. You’ll soon realize that these “failures” lead to some of the greatest achievements in life.

6. Be honest.

Self-improvement starts with telling the truth—to yourself and to others. The truth hurts sometimes but lies always end up hurting way worse. The people who are best at improving themselves on a consistent basis are the ones who are honest all the time. Lying creates a huge emotional burden on you. It leads to guilt, negativity, and more lies. It’s a never ending perpetual cycle. So always tell the truth. That’s the only way to keep growing.

7. Give thanks.

Think of everyone in your life you’re grateful for, not just once in a while—every day. Being thankful keeps us humble and gives us perspective. Focus on the good things in your life and express gratitude for them. The fact that you’re alive and reading this means you’re more fortunate than most people in this world. Featured photo credit: kevin dooley via flickr.com