So how do true leaders behave?

Leaders build mutual understanding with their teams

A true leader trusts their team, and vice versa. This is a two way street, so you must give your team a reason for trust, and withholding information will certainly break the trust. You should never go behind your team’s back and keep secrets. Be transparent and discuss everything with your team.

Leaders fight on front line with their teams

You asked your team to work during lunch break because you are on a deadline, but you went out for a two-hour lunch. Well, that’s not leadership. People won’t respect you if you expect them to do something or behave in a certain way that doesn’t apply to you as well. You need to set an example and make yourself a part of the team. Seeing you acting instead of giving orders, people will feel motivated to give their best.

Leaders are good communicators and listeners

People’s opinions matter, and good leaders are aware of that. Your employees want to know their voice is heard and that they can openly express their insights. Sit down with your team regularly and ask for their feedback as to what you can do to increase their productivity. Create a safe environment where people will feel free to share their opinion and give suggestions.

Leaders put their teams first and forget their self interests

You cannot hope to succeed alone. Leaders know they need their teams to achieve their goals. But, in order for your team to feel motivated to work hard, you need to put them first, not your ambitions, nor your ego. If you give each member of the team credit for their work, they will be loyal to you and always willing to do their best. However, you always need to have their back and take the blame if something goes wrong.

Leaders are consistent with the directions they set

As a leader, you need to try really hard to be consistent in every aspect as your team needs to know what they can expect from you. If you constantly change the way you do things, your team will feel frustrated and stressed out. Being consistent creates the bond of trust, as your team feels they know you and know what they can rely on. Moreover, you need to be consistent in how you treat everyone in your team. The same rules must apply for everyone, and the good practice is to discuss with your team what kind of performance you expect from each one of them.

Leaders know how to put their team members in the right positions

To be a good leader doesn’t mean you need to know how to do everything. That is why you have your team members and their knowledge and expertise, you just need to motivate them and lead them in the right direction. It’s not a sign of weakness if you admit you can’t do something or that you made a mistake – that’s the sign of a good leader. Give the freedom to everyone in your team to do what they are good at, let them know they are needed, and they will feel valued and appreciated.

Leaders stay true to their words

You cannot expect people to trust you and follow you if you don’t stick to your promises. Your words and promises won’t mean anything once you break the trust. So, always think carefully before you promise something and if you do, stick to your words. Even if there are some unpredictable circumstances, your team will understand and appreciate your made an effort to keep your word.

Leaders never talk behind someone’s back

Nothing damages your reputation as good leader more than gossiping about your team members behind their back. If you have a problem with one of the team members, or if someone makes a mistake, sit down and discuss what went wrong and what you can do to make it better and prevent from happening in the future. Featured photo credit: Getty Images via