Oftentimes, it is not because we are losers and have not achieved anything in our life that we are not proud of our accomplishments, but rather we take for granted the things that we think are ordinary and forget the value of the things we may already have accomplished. You need to start looking around and thinking about the things you can be proud of in the different dimensions of your life. A bucket list is a good way to start committing yourself to goals and start reaping the rewards of your unsung achievements! I have collected a bucket list of things to be proud of by digging through my own articles about self-confidence, recalling my readers’ past conversations and collecting a whole gamut of ideas from experts in positive psychology. Check them out, pick ones that fit you, or copy ideas and customize them for your own needs.

Be Proud of Your Attitude

  1. Approach life joyfully regardless of what it shows you because this makes you different from others.
  2. Feel open and friendly toward those with whom you interact because this makes you approachable and likable.
  3. Approach something new with confidence because even if it becomes a difficult task, it also makes you a good model of patience.

Be Proud of Life Lessons Learned

  1. Face failures, take responsibility and persevere because survivors achieve more goals.
  2. Assert your personal need to pamper yourself because that recharges your body and spirit and makes you a better person.
  3. Take quiet time to reflect and be still because that gives you higher self-awareness and allows you to understand others better as well.
  4. Say no to bullying in your environment, be it at school, at work or in the neighborhood, because you can be starting a movement in a community where people currently live in fear.
  5. Get recognized for your work well done because you deserve it.

Be Proud of Your Accomplishments

  1. Finish a relevant course and do not compare your achievement with another person because that proves you are special.
  2. Find a kind of work that will be able to support your family because you are contributing to the smallest unit of society.
  3. Have the courage to take risk, and change or explore jobs that will make you happy because only then will you make a meaningful existence.

Be Proud of Your Financial Decisions

  1. Save a significant amount of money for future needs because it takes discipline to do so.
  2. Have minimal and manageable credit because this is a sign of a healthy and simple lifestyle.
  3. Spend only what you can afford and not beyond your means because it is stupid to be rich with liabilities.
  4. Buy a property that you can truly call your own and leave it as a legacy to your family.
  5. Invest intelligently in stocks or business by following the lessons of those who came before us.

Be Proud of Your Leisure Activities and Hobbies

  1. Write a helpful post on Facebook or a blog because nowadays social networks and blogs are full of rubbish and waste time.
  2. Travel to your dream destinations, learn cultures and understand peoples.

Be Proud of Your Relationships and Compassion for Others

  1. Find your soul mate and partner forever because this is one of the keys to understanding eternal bliss.
  2. Bear the differences between you and your life partner because no two individuals are the same.
  3. Spend quality time with your family because they need it from you.
  4. Truly listen to what someone else is saying to you to be able to really understand them because it is a rarity to find someone doing so.
  5. Live compassion towards others—even enemies or critics—by respecting other people and their opinions without compromising your stance because this separates humans from animals.
  6. Say, “I love you,” to your loved ones and mean it because doing so is like seeing what your heart is occupied with.
  7. Go out of your way to make a call or visit someone you care about because sometimes there isn’t a next time.
  8. Have kids with your life partner because by doing so you become a co-creator of life.
  9. Contribute to assist disaster survivors because one person’s help goes a long way.
  10. Contribute to a charity regularly because it brings you closer to real happiness.

Be Proud of Your Physical Achievements

  1. Run a race because it tests your physical endurance and prepares you for any other life trial.
  2. Keep your body fit and it can make you look 10 years younger because everyone deserves to be beautiful.